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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity ^0.8.18; import "@openzeppelin/contracts-v4/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts-v4/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts-v4/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol"; import "../../abstract/MasterAwareV2.sol"; import "../../abstract/Multicall.sol"; import "../../interfaces/ICover.sol"; import "../../interfaces/ICoverNFT.sol"; import "../../interfaces/ICoverProducts.sol"; import "../../interfaces/IPool.sol"; import "../../interfaces/IStakingNFT.sol"; import "../../interfaces/IStakingPool.sol"; import "../../interfaces/IStakingPoolBeacon.sol"; import "../../interfaces/ICompleteStakingPoolFactory.sol"; import "../../interfaces/ITokenController.sol"; import "../../libraries/Math.sol"; import "../../libraries/SafeUintCast.sol"; import "../../libraries/StakingPoolLibrary.sol"; contract Cover is ICover, MasterAwareV2, IStakingPoolBeacon, ReentrancyGuard, Multicall { using SafeERC20 for IERC20; using SafeUintCast for uint; /* ========== STATE VARIABLES ========== */ // moved to cover products Product[] private _unused_products; ProductType[] private _unused_productTypes; mapping(uint => CoverData) private _coverData; // cover id => segment id => pool allocations array mapping(uint => mapping(uint => PoolAllocation[])) public coverSegmentAllocations; // moved to cover products mapping(uint => uint[]) private _unused_allowedPools; // Each cover has an array of segments. A new segment is created // every time a cover is edited to indicate the different cover periods. mapping(uint => CoverSegment[]) private _coverSegments; // assetId => { lastBucketUpdateId, totalActiveCoverInAsset } mapping(uint => ActiveCover) public activeCover; // assetId => bucketId => amount mapping(uint => mapping(uint => uint)) internal activeCoverExpirationBuckets; // moved to cover products mapping(uint => string) private _unused_productNames; mapping(uint => string) private _unused_productTypeNames; /* ========== CONSTANTS ========== */ uint private constant GLOBAL_CAPACITY_RATIO = 20000; // 2 uint private constant GLOBAL_REWARDS_RATIO = 5000; // 50% uint private constant COMMISSION_DENOMINATOR = 10000; uint private constant GLOBAL_CAPACITY_DENOMINATOR = 10_000; uint private constant MAX_COVER_PERIOD = 365 days; uint private constant MIN_COVER_PERIOD = 28 days; uint private constant BUCKET_SIZE = 7 days; uint public constant MAX_COMMISSION_RATIO = 3000; // 30% uint public constant GLOBAL_MIN_PRICE_RATIO = 100; // 1% uint private constant ONE_NXM = 1e18; uint private constant ETH_ASSET_ID = 0; uint private constant NXM_ASSET_ID = type(uint8).max; // internally we store capacity using 2 decimals // 1 nxm of capacity is stored as 100 uint private constant ALLOCATION_UNITS_PER_NXM = 100; // given capacities have 2 decimals // smallest unit we can allocate is 1e18 / 100 = 1e16 = 0.01 NXM uint public constant NXM_PER_ALLOCATION_UNIT = ONE_NXM / ALLOCATION_UNITS_PER_NXM; ICoverNFT public immutable override coverNFT; IStakingNFT public immutable override stakingNFT; ICompleteStakingPoolFactory public immutable override stakingPoolFactory; address public immutable stakingPoolImplementation; /* ========== CONSTRUCTOR ========== */ constructor( ICoverNFT _coverNFT, IStakingNFT _stakingNFT, ICompleteStakingPoolFactory _stakingPoolFactory, address _stakingPoolImplementation ) { // in constructor we only initialize immutable fields coverNFT = _coverNFT; stakingNFT = _stakingNFT; stakingPoolFactory = _stakingPoolFactory; stakingPoolImplementation = _stakingPoolImplementation; } /* === MUTATIVE FUNCTIONS ==== */ function buyCover( BuyCoverParams memory params, PoolAllocationRequest[] memory poolAllocationRequests ) external payable onlyMember nonReentrant whenNotPaused returns (uint coverId) { if (params.period < MIN_COVER_PERIOD) { revert CoverPeriodTooShort(); } if (params.period > MAX_COVER_PERIOD) { revert CoverPeriodTooLong(); } if (params.commissionRatio > MAX_COMMISSION_RATIO) { revert CommissionRateTooHigh(); } if (params.amount == 0) { revert CoverAmountIsZero(); } // can pay with cover asset or nxm only if (params.paymentAsset != params.coverAsset && params.paymentAsset != NXM_ASSET_ID) { revert InvalidPaymentAsset(); } uint segmentId; AllocationRequest memory allocationRequest; { ICoverProducts _coverProducts = coverProducts(); if (_coverProducts.getProductCount() <= params.productId) { revert ProductNotFound(); } ( Product memory product, ProductType memory productType ) = _coverProducts.getProductWithType(params.productId); if (product.isDeprecated) { revert ProductDeprecated(); } if (!isCoverAssetSupported(params.coverAsset, product.coverAssets)) { revert CoverAssetNotSupported(); } allocationRequest.productId = params.productId; allocationRequest.coverId = coverId; allocationRequest.period = params.period; allocationRequest.gracePeriod = productType.gracePeriod; allocationRequest.useFixedPrice = product.useFixedPrice; allocationRequest.globalCapacityRatio = GLOBAL_CAPACITY_RATIO; allocationRequest.capacityReductionRatio = product.capacityReductionRatio; allocationRequest.rewardRatio = GLOBAL_REWARDS_RATIO; allocationRequest.globalMinPrice = GLOBAL_MIN_PRICE_RATIO; } uint previousSegmentAmount; if (params.coverId == 0) { // new cover coverId =; _coverData[coverId] = CoverData(params.productId, params.coverAsset, 0 /* amountPaidOut */); } else { revert EditNotSupported(); /* // existing cover coverId = params.coverId; if (!coverNFT.isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, coverId)) { revert OnlyOwnerOrApproved(); } CoverData memory cover = _coverData[coverId]; if (params.coverAsset != cover.coverAsset) { revert UnexpectedCoverAsset(); } if (params.productId != cover.productId) { revert UnexpectedProductId(); } segmentId = _coverSegments[coverId].length; CoverSegment memory lastSegment = coverSegmentWithRemainingAmount(coverId, segmentId - 1); // require last segment not to be expired if (lastSegment.start + lastSegment.period <= block.timestamp) { revert ExpiredCoversCannotBeEdited(); } allocationRequest.previousStart = lastSegment.start; allocationRequest.previousExpiration = lastSegment.start + lastSegment.period; allocationRequest.previousRewardsRatio = lastSegment.globalRewardsRatio; // mark previous cover as ending now _coverSegments[coverId][segmentId - 1].period = (block.timestamp - lastSegment.start).toUint32(); // remove cover amount from from expiration buckets uint bucketAtExpiry = Math.divCeil(lastSegment.start + lastSegment.period, BUCKET_SIZE); activeCoverExpirationBuckets[params.coverAsset][bucketAtExpiry] -= lastSegment.amount; previousSegmentAmount += lastSegment.amount; */ } uint nxmPriceInCoverAsset = pool().getInternalTokenPriceInAssetAndUpdateTwap(params.coverAsset); allocationRequest.coverId = coverId; (uint coverAmountInCoverAsset, uint amountDueInNXM) = requestAllocation( allocationRequest, poolAllocationRequests, nxmPriceInCoverAsset, segmentId ); if (coverAmountInCoverAsset < params.amount) { revert InsufficientCoverAmountAllocated(); } _coverSegments[coverId].push( CoverSegment( coverAmountInCoverAsset.toUint96(), // cover amount in cover asset block.timestamp.toUint32(), // start params.period, // period allocationRequest.gracePeriod.toUint32(), GLOBAL_REWARDS_RATIO.toUint24(), GLOBAL_CAPACITY_RATIO.toUint24() ) ); _updateTotalActiveCoverAmount(params.coverAsset, coverAmountInCoverAsset, params.period, previousSegmentAmount); retrievePayment( amountDueInNXM, params.paymentAsset, nxmPriceInCoverAsset, params.maxPremiumInAsset, params.commissionRatio, params.commissionDestination ); emit CoverEdited(coverId, params.productId, segmentId, msg.sender, params.ipfsData); } function expireCover(uint coverId) external { uint segmentId = _coverSegments[coverId].length - 1; CoverSegment memory lastSegment = coverSegmentWithRemainingAmount(coverId, segmentId); CoverData memory cover = _coverData[coverId]; uint expiration = lastSegment.start + lastSegment.period; if (expiration > block.timestamp) { revert CoverNotYetExpired(coverId); } for ( uint allocationIndex = 0; allocationIndex < coverSegmentAllocations[coverId][segmentId].length; allocationIndex++ ) { PoolAllocation memory allocation = coverSegmentAllocations[coverId][segmentId][allocationIndex]; AllocationRequest memory allocationRequest; // editing just the needed props for deallocation allocationRequest.productId = cover.productId; allocationRequest.allocationId = allocation.allocationId; allocationRequest.previousStart = lastSegment.start; allocationRequest.previousExpiration = expiration; stakingPool(allocation.poolId).requestAllocation( 0, // amount 0, // previous premium allocationRequest ); } uint currentBucketId = block.timestamp / BUCKET_SIZE; uint bucketAtExpiry = Math.divCeil(expiration, BUCKET_SIZE); // if it expires in a future bucket if (currentBucketId < bucketAtExpiry) { // remove cover amount from expiration buckets and totalActiveCoverInAsset without updating last bucket id activeCoverExpirationBuckets[cover.coverAsset][bucketAtExpiry] -= lastSegment.amount; activeCover[cover.coverAsset].totalActiveCoverInAsset -= lastSegment.amount; } } function requestAllocation( AllocationRequest memory allocationRequest, PoolAllocationRequest[] memory poolAllocationRequests, uint nxmPriceInCoverAsset, uint segmentId ) internal returns ( uint totalCoverAmountInCoverAsset, uint totalAmountDueInNXM ) { RequestAllocationVariables memory vars = RequestAllocationVariables(0, 0, 0, 0); uint totalCoverAmountInNXM; vars.previousPoolAllocationsLength = segmentId > 0 ? coverSegmentAllocations[allocationRequest.coverId][segmentId - 1].length : 0; for (uint i = 0; i < poolAllocationRequests.length; i++) { // if there is a previous segment and this index is present on it if (vars.previousPoolAllocationsLength > i) { PoolAllocation memory previousPoolAllocation = coverSegmentAllocations[allocationRequest.coverId][segmentId - 1][i]; // poolAllocationRequests must match the pools in the previous segment if (previousPoolAllocation.poolId != poolAllocationRequests[i].poolId) { revert UnexpectedPoolId(); } // check if this request should be skipped, keeping the previous allocation if (poolAllocationRequests[i].skip) { coverSegmentAllocations[allocationRequest.coverId][segmentId].push(previousPoolAllocation); totalCoverAmountInNXM += previousPoolAllocation.coverAmountInNXM; continue; } vars.previousPremiumInNXM = previousPoolAllocation.premiumInNXM; vars.refund = previousPoolAllocation.premiumInNXM * (allocationRequest.previousExpiration - block.timestamp) // remaining period / (allocationRequest.previousExpiration - allocationRequest.previousStart); // previous period // get stored allocation id allocationRequest.allocationId = previousPoolAllocation.allocationId; } else { // request new allocation id allocationRequest.allocationId = 0; } // converting asset amount to nxm and rounding up to the nearest NXM_PER_ALLOCATION_UNIT uint coverAmountInNXM = Math.roundUp( Math.divCeil(poolAllocationRequests[i].coverAmountInAsset * ONE_NXM, nxmPriceInCoverAsset), NXM_PER_ALLOCATION_UNIT ); (uint premiumInNXM, uint allocationId) = stakingPool(poolAllocationRequests[i].poolId).requestAllocation( coverAmountInNXM, vars.previousPremiumInNXM, allocationRequest ); // omit deallocated pools from the segment if (coverAmountInNXM != 0) { coverSegmentAllocations[allocationRequest.coverId][segmentId].push( PoolAllocation( poolAllocationRequests[i].poolId, coverAmountInNXM.toUint96(), premiumInNXM.toUint96(), allocationId.toUint24() ) ); } totalAmountDueInNXM += (vars.refund >= premiumInNXM ? 0 : premiumInNXM - vars.refund); totalCoverAmountInNXM += coverAmountInNXM; } totalCoverAmountInCoverAsset = totalCoverAmountInNXM * nxmPriceInCoverAsset / ONE_NXM; return (totalCoverAmountInCoverAsset, totalAmountDueInNXM); } function retrievePayment( uint premiumInNxm, uint paymentAsset, uint nxmPriceInCoverAsset, uint maxPremiumInAsset, uint16 commissionRatio, address commissionDestination ) internal { if (paymentAsset != ETH_ASSET_ID && msg.value > 0) { revert UnexpectedEthSent(); } // NXM payment if (paymentAsset == NXM_ASSET_ID) { uint commissionInNxm; if (commissionRatio > 0) { commissionInNxm = (premiumInNxm * COMMISSION_DENOMINATOR / (COMMISSION_DENOMINATOR - commissionRatio)) - premiumInNxm; } if (premiumInNxm + commissionInNxm > maxPremiumInAsset) { revert PriceExceedsMaxPremiumInAsset(); } ITokenController _tokenController = tokenController(); _tokenController.burnFrom(msg.sender, premiumInNxm); if (commissionInNxm > 0) { // commission transfer reverts if the commissionDestination is not a member _tokenController.operatorTransfer(msg.sender, commissionDestination, commissionInNxm); } return; } IPool _pool = pool(); uint premiumInPaymentAsset = nxmPriceInCoverAsset * premiumInNxm / ONE_NXM; uint commission = (premiumInPaymentAsset * COMMISSION_DENOMINATOR / (COMMISSION_DENOMINATOR - commissionRatio)) - premiumInPaymentAsset; uint premiumWithCommission = premiumInPaymentAsset + commission; if (premiumWithCommission > maxPremiumInAsset) { revert PriceExceedsMaxPremiumInAsset(); } // ETH payment if (paymentAsset == ETH_ASSET_ID) { if (msg.value < premiumWithCommission) { revert InsufficientEthSent(); } uint remainder = msg.value - premiumWithCommission; { // send premium in eth to the pool // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool ok, /* data */) = address(_pool).call{value: premiumInPaymentAsset}(""); if (!ok) { revert SendingEthToPoolFailed(); } } // send commission if (commission > 0) { (bool ok, /* data */) = address(commissionDestination).call{value: commission}(""); if (!ok) { revert SendingEthToCommissionDestinationFailed(); } } if (remainder > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool ok, /* data */) = address(msg.sender).call{value: remainder}(""); if (!ok) { revert ReturningEthRemainderToSenderFailed(); } } return; } address coverAsset = _pool.getAsset(paymentAsset).assetAddress; IERC20 token = IERC20(coverAsset); token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(_pool), premiumInPaymentAsset); if (commission > 0) { token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, commissionDestination, commission); } } function updateTotalActiveCoverAmount(uint coverAsset) public { _updateTotalActiveCoverAmount(coverAsset, 0, 0, 0); } function _updateTotalActiveCoverAmount( uint coverAsset, uint newCoverAmountInAsset, uint coverPeriod, uint previousCoverSegmentAmount ) internal { ActiveCover memory _activeCover = activeCover[coverAsset]; uint currentBucketId = block.timestamp / BUCKET_SIZE; uint totalActiveCover = _activeCover.totalActiveCoverInAsset; if (totalActiveCover != 0) { totalActiveCover -= getExpiredCoverAmount( coverAsset, _activeCover.lastBucketUpdateId, currentBucketId ); } totalActiveCover -= previousCoverSegmentAmount; totalActiveCover += newCoverAmountInAsset; _activeCover.lastBucketUpdateId = currentBucketId.toUint64(); _activeCover.totalActiveCoverInAsset = totalActiveCover.toUint192(); // update total active cover in storage activeCover[coverAsset] = _activeCover; // update amount to expire at the end of this cover segment uint bucketAtExpiry = Math.divCeil(block.timestamp + coverPeriod, BUCKET_SIZE); activeCoverExpirationBuckets[coverAsset][bucketAtExpiry] += newCoverAmountInAsset; } // Gets the total amount of active cover that is currently expired for this asset function getExpiredCoverAmount( uint coverAsset, uint lastUpdateId, uint currentBucketId ) internal view returns (uint amountExpired) { while (lastUpdateId < currentBucketId) { ++lastUpdateId; amountExpired += activeCoverExpirationBuckets[coverAsset][lastUpdateId]; } return amountExpired; } function burnStake( uint coverId, uint segmentId, uint payoutAmountInAsset ) external onlyInternal override returns (address /* coverOwner */) { CoverData storage cover = _coverData[coverId]; ActiveCover storage _activeCover = activeCover[cover.coverAsset]; CoverSegment memory segment = coverSegmentWithRemainingAmount(coverId, segmentId); PoolAllocation[] storage allocations = coverSegmentAllocations[coverId][segmentId]; // update expired buckets and calculate the amount of active cover that should be burned { uint coverAsset = cover.coverAsset; uint lastUpdateBucketId = _activeCover.lastBucketUpdateId; uint currentBucketId = block.timestamp / BUCKET_SIZE; uint burnedSegmentBucketId = Math.divCeil((segment.start + segment.period), BUCKET_SIZE); uint activeCoverToExpire = getExpiredCoverAmount(coverAsset, lastUpdateBucketId, currentBucketId); // if the segment has not expired - it's still accounted for in total active cover if (burnedSegmentBucketId > currentBucketId) { uint amountToSubtract = Math.min(payoutAmountInAsset, segment.amount); activeCoverToExpire += amountToSubtract; activeCoverExpirationBuckets[coverAsset][burnedSegmentBucketId] -= amountToSubtract.toUint192(); } _activeCover.totalActiveCoverInAsset -= activeCoverToExpire.toUint192(); _activeCover.lastBucketUpdateId = currentBucketId.toUint64(); } // increase amountPaidOut only *after* you read the segment cover.amountPaidOut += payoutAmountInAsset.toUint96(); for (uint i = 0; i < allocations.length; i++) { PoolAllocation memory allocation = allocations[i]; uint deallocationAmountInNXM = allocation.coverAmountInNXM * payoutAmountInAsset / segment.amount; uint burnAmountInNxm = deallocationAmountInNXM * GLOBAL_CAPACITY_DENOMINATOR / segment.globalCapacityRatio; allocations[i].coverAmountInNXM -= deallocationAmountInNXM.toUint96(); allocations[i].premiumInNXM -= (allocation.premiumInNXM * payoutAmountInAsset / segment.amount).toUint96(); BurnStakeParams memory params = BurnStakeParams( allocation.allocationId, cover.productId, segment.start, segment.period, deallocationAmountInNXM ); uint poolId = allocations[i].poolId; stakingPool(poolId).burnStake(burnAmountInNxm, params); } return coverNFT.ownerOf(coverId); } /* ========== VIEWS ========== */ function coverData(uint coverId) external override view returns (CoverData memory) { return _coverData[coverId]; } function coverSegmentWithRemainingAmount( uint coverId, uint segmentId ) public override view returns (CoverSegment memory) { CoverSegment memory segment = _coverSegments[coverId][segmentId]; uint96 amountPaidOut = _coverData[coverId].amountPaidOut; segment.amount = segment.amount >= amountPaidOut ? segment.amount - amountPaidOut : 0; return segment; } function coverSegments(uint coverId) external override view returns (CoverSegment[] memory) { return _coverSegments[coverId]; } function coverSegmentsCount(uint coverId) external override view returns (uint) { return _coverSegments[coverId].length; } function coverDataCount() external override view returns (uint) { return coverNFT.totalSupply(); } /* ========== COVER ASSETS HELPERS ========== */ function recalculateActiveCoverInAsset(uint coverAsset) public { uint currentBucketId = block.timestamp / BUCKET_SIZE; uint totalActiveCover = 0; uint yearlyBucketsCount = Math.divCeil(MAX_COVER_PERIOD, BUCKET_SIZE); for (uint i = 1; i <= yearlyBucketsCount; i++) { uint bucketId = currentBucketId + i; totalActiveCover += activeCoverExpirationBuckets[coverAsset][bucketId]; } activeCover[coverAsset] = ActiveCover(totalActiveCover.toUint192(), currentBucketId.toUint64()); } function totalActiveCoverInAsset(uint assetId) public view returns (uint) { return uint(activeCover[assetId].totalActiveCoverInAsset); } function getGlobalCapacityRatio() external pure returns (uint) { return GLOBAL_CAPACITY_RATIO; } function getGlobalRewardsRatio() external pure returns (uint) { return GLOBAL_REWARDS_RATIO; } function getGlobalMinPriceRatio() external pure returns (uint) { return GLOBAL_MIN_PRICE_RATIO; } function getGlobalCapacityAndPriceRatios() external pure returns ( uint _globalCapacityRatio, uint _globalMinPriceRatio ) { _globalCapacityRatio = GLOBAL_CAPACITY_RATIO; _globalMinPriceRatio = GLOBAL_MIN_PRICE_RATIO; } function isCoverAssetSupported(uint assetId, uint productCoverAssetsBitmap) internal view returns (bool) { if ( // product does not use default cover assets productCoverAssetsBitmap != 0 && // asset id is not in the product's cover assets bitmap ((1 << assetId) & productCoverAssetsBitmap == 0) ) { return false; } Asset memory asset = pool().getAsset(assetId); return asset.isCoverAsset && !asset.isAbandoned; } function stakingPool(uint poolId) public view returns (IStakingPool) { return IStakingPool( StakingPoolLibrary.getAddress(address(stakingPoolFactory), poolId) ); } function changeCoverNFTDescriptor(address _coverNFTDescriptor) external onlyAdvisoryBoard { coverNFT.changeNFTDescriptor(_coverNFTDescriptor); } function changeStakingNFTDescriptor(address _stakingNFTDescriptor) external onlyAdvisoryBoard { stakingNFT.changeNFTDescriptor(_stakingNFTDescriptor); } function changeStakingPoolFactoryOperator() external { address _operator = master.getLatestAddress("SP"); stakingPoolFactory.changeOperator(_operator); } /* ========== DEPENDENCIES ========== */ function pool() internal view returns (IPool) { return IPool(internalContracts[uint(ID.P1)]); } function tokenController() internal view returns (ITokenController) { return ITokenController(internalContracts[uint(ID.TC)]); } function memberRoles() internal view returns (IMemberRoles) { return IMemberRoles(internalContracts[uint(ID.MR)]); } function coverProducts() internal view returns (ICoverProducts) { return ICoverProducts(internalContracts[uint(ID.CP)]); } function changeDependentContractAddress() external override { internalContracts[uint(ID.P1)] = master.getLatestAddress("P1"); internalContracts[uint(ID.TC)] = master.getLatestAddress("TC"); internalContracts[uint(ID.MR)] = master.getLatestAddress("MR"); internalContracts[uint(ID.CP)] = master.getLatestAddress("CP"); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (security/ReentrancyGuard.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * @dev Contract module that helps prevent reentrant calls to a function. * * Inheriting from `ReentrancyGuard` will make the {nonReentrant} modifier * available, which can be applied to functions to make sure there are no nested * (reentrant) calls to them. * * Note that because there is a single `nonReentrant` guard, functions marked as * `nonReentrant` may not call one another. This can be worked around by making * those functions `private`, and then adding `external` `nonReentrant` entry * points to them. * * TIP: If you would like to learn more about reentrancy and alternative ways * to protect against it, check out our blog post *[Reentrancy After Istanbul]. */ abstract contract ReentrancyGuard { // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled. // The values being non-zero value makes deployment a bit more expensive, // but in exchange the refund on every call to nonReentrant will be lower in // amount. Since refunds are capped to a percentage of the total // transaction's gas, it is best to keep them low in cases like this one, to // increase the likelihood of the full refund coming into effect. uint256 private constant _NOT_ENTERED = 1; uint256 private constant _ENTERED = 2; uint256 private _status; constructor() { _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } /** * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. * Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant` * function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening * by making the `nonReentrant` function external, and making it call a * `private` function that does the actual work. */ modifier nonReentrant() { // On the first call to nonReentrant, _notEntered will be true require(_status != _ENTERED, "ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call"); // Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail _status = _ENTERED; _; // By storing the original value once again, a refund is triggered (see // _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (token/ERC20/extensions/draft-IERC20Permit.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * @dev Interface of the ERC20 Permit extension allowing approvals to be made via signatures, as defined in *[EIP-2612]. * * Adds the {permit} method, which can be used to change an account's ERC20 allowance (see {IERC20-allowance}) by * presenting a message signed by the account. By not relying on {IERC20-approve}, the token holder account doesn't * need to send a transaction, and thus is not required to hold Ether at all. */ interface IERC20Permit { /** * @dev Sets `value` as the allowance of `spender` over ``owner``'s tokens, * given ``owner``'s signed approval. * * IMPORTANT: The same issues {IERC20-approve} has related to transaction * ordering also apply here. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `deadline` must be a timestamp in the future. * - `v`, `r` and `s` must be a valid `secp256k1` signature from `owner` * over the EIP712-formatted function arguments. * - the signature must use ``owner``'s current nonce (see {nonces}). * * For more information on the signature format, see the *[relevant EIP * section]. */ function permit( address owner, address spender, uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external; /** * @dev Returns the current nonce for `owner`. This value must be * included whenever a signature is generated for {permit}. * * Every successful call to {permit} increases ``owner``'s nonce by one. This * prevents a signature from being used multiple times. */ function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the domain separator used in the encoding of the signature for {permit}, as defined by {EIP712}. */ // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.6.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP. */ interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `to`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `from` to `to` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom( address from, address to, uint256 amount ) external returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "../IERC20.sol"; import "../extensions/draft-IERC20Permit.sol"; import "../../../utils/Address.sol"; /** * @title SafeERC20 * @dev Wrappers around ERC20 operations that throw on failure (when the token * contract returns false). Tokens that return no value (and instead revert or * throw on failure) are also supported, non-reverting calls are assumed to be * successful. * To use this library you can add a `using SafeERC20 for IERC20;` statement to your contract, * which allows you to call the safe operations as `token.safeTransfer(...)`, etc. */ library SafeERC20 { using Address for address; function safeTransfer( IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value ) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom( IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value ) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove( IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value ) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' require( (value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance( IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value ) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender) + value; _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance( IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value ) internal { unchecked { uint256 oldAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender); require(oldAllowance >= value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); uint256 newAllowance = oldAllowance - value; _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } } function safePermit( IERC20Permit token, address owner, address spender, uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) internal { uint256 nonceBefore = token.nonces(owner); token.permit(owner, spender, value, deadline, v, r, s); uint256 nonceAfter = token.nonces(owner); require(nonceAfter == nonceBefore + 1, "SafeERC20: permit did not succeed"); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (token/ERC721/IERC721.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "../../utils/introspection/IERC165.sol"; /** * @dev Required interface of an ERC721 compliant contract. */ interface IERC721 is IERC165 { /** * @dev Emitted when `tokenId` token is transferred from `from` to `to`. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId); /** * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables `approved` to manage the `tokenId` token. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId); /** * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables or disables (`approved`) `operator` to manage all of its assets. */ event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved); /** * @dev Returns the number of tokens in ``owner``'s account. */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); /** * @dev Returns the owner of the `tokenId` token. * * Requirements: * * - `tokenId` must exist. */ function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address owner); /** * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`. * * Requirements: * * - `from` cannot be the zero address. * - `to` cannot be the zero address. * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`. * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}. * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function safeTransferFrom( address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes calldata data ) external; /** * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`, checking first that contract recipients * are aware of the ERC721 protocol to prevent tokens from being forever locked. * * Requirements: * * - `from` cannot be the zero address. * - `to` cannot be the zero address. * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`. * - If the caller is not `from`, it must have been allowed to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}. * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function safeTransferFrom( address from, address to, uint256 tokenId ) external; /** * @dev Transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`. * * WARNING: Usage of this method is discouraged, use {safeTransferFrom} whenever possible. * * Requirements: * * - `from` cannot be the zero address. * - `to` cannot be the zero address. * - `tokenId` token must be owned by `from`. * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom( address from, address to, uint256 tokenId ) external; /** * @dev Gives permission to `to` to transfer `tokenId` token to another account. * The approval is cleared when the token is transferred. * * Only a single account can be approved at a time, so approving the zero address clears previous approvals. * * Requirements: * * - The caller must own the token or be an approved operator. * - `tokenId` must exist. * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) external; /** * @dev Approve or remove `operator` as an operator for the caller. * Operators can call {transferFrom} or {safeTransferFrom} for any token owned by the caller. * * Requirements: * * - The `operator` cannot be the caller. * * Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event. */ function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved) external; /** * @dev Returns the account approved for `tokenId` token. * * Requirements: * * - `tokenId` must exist. */ function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address operator); /** * @dev Returns if the `operator` is allowed to manage all of the assets of `owner`. * * See {setApprovalForAll} */ function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) external view returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (utils/Address.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.1; /** * @dev Collection of functions related to the address type */ library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * You shouldn't rely on `isContract` to protect against flash loan attacks! * * Preventing calls from contracts is highly discouraged. It breaks composability, breaks support for smart wallets * like Gnosis Safe, and does not provide security since it can be circumvented by calling from a contract * constructor. * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies on extcodesize/address.code.length, which returns 0 // for contracts in construction, since the code is only stored at the end // of the constructor execution. return account.code.length > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); (bool success, ) ={value: amount}(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain `call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={value: value}(data); return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a static call. * * _Available since v3.3._ */ function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal view returns (bytes memory) { return functionStaticCall(target, data, "Address: low-level static call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a static call. * * _Available since v3.3._ */ function functionStaticCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal view returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: static call to non-contract"); (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.staticcall(data); return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a delegate call. * * _Available since v3.4._ */ function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionDelegateCall(target, data, "Address: low-level delegate call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a delegate call. * * _Available since v3.4._ */ function functionDelegateCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: delegate call to non-contract"); (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.delegatecall(data); return verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Tool to verifies that a low level call was successful, and revert if it wasn't, either by bubbling the * revert reason using the provided one. * * _Available since v4.3._ */ function verifyCallResult( bool success, bytes memory returndata, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (bytes memory) { if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly /// @solidity memory-safe-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/introspection/IERC165.sol) pragma solidity ^0.8.0; /** * @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the *[EIP]. * * Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be * queried by others ({ERC165Checker}). * * For an implementation, see {ERC165}. */ interface IERC165 { /** * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding *[EIP section] * to learn more about how these ids are created. * * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas. */ function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity ^0.8.18; import "../interfaces/ISAFURAMaster.sol"; import "../interfaces/IMasterAwareV2.sol"; import "../interfaces/IMemberRoles.sol"; abstract contract MasterAwareV2 is IMasterAwareV2 { ISAFURAMaster public master; mapping(uint => address payable) public internalContracts; modifier onlyMember { require( IMemberRoles(internalContracts[uint(ID.MR)]).checkRole( msg.sender, uint(IMemberRoles.Role.Member) ), "Caller is not a member" ); _; } modifier onlyAdvisoryBoard { require( IMemberRoles(internalContracts[uint(ID.MR)]).checkRole( msg.sender, uint(IMemberRoles.Role.AdvisoryBoard) ), "Caller is not an advisory board member" ); _; } modifier onlyInternal { require(master.isInternal(msg.sender), "Caller is not an internal contract"); _; } modifier onlyMaster { if (address(master) != address(0)) { require(address(master) == msg.sender, "Not master"); } _; } modifier onlyGovernance { require( master.checkIsAuthToGoverned(msg.sender), "Caller is not authorized to govern" ); _; } modifier onlyEmergencyAdmin { require( msg.sender == master.emergencyAdmin(), "Caller is not emergency admin" ); _; } modifier whenPaused { require(master.isPause(), "System is not paused"); _; } modifier whenNotPaused { require(!master.isPause(), "System is paused"); _; } function getInternalContractAddress(ID id) internal view returns (address payable) { return internalContracts[uint(id)]; } function changeMasterAddress(address masterAddress) public onlyMaster { master = ISAFURAMaster(masterAddress); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity ^0.8.18; abstract contract Multicall { error RevertedWithoutReason(uint index); // WARNING: Do not set this function as payable function multicall(bytes[] calldata data) external returns (bytes[] memory results) { uint callCount = data.length; results = new bytes[](callCount); for (uint i = 0; i < callCount; i++) { (bool ok, bytes memory result) = address(this).delegatecall(data[i]); if (!ok) { uint length = result.length; // 0 length returned from empty revert() / require(false) if (length == 0) { revert RevertedWithoutReason(i); } assembly { revert(add(result, 0x20), length) } } results[i] = result; } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; import "./IStakingPoolFactory.sol"; /** * @dev IStakingPoolFactory is missing the changeOperator() and operator() functions. * @dev Any change to the original interface will affect staking pool addresses * @dev This interface is created to add the missing functions so it can be used in other contracts. */ interface ICompleteStakingPoolFactory is IStakingPoolFactory { function operator() external view returns (address); function changeOperator(address newOperator) external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; import "./ICoverNFT.sol"; import "./IStakingNFT.sol"; import "./IStakingPool.sol"; import "./ICompleteStakingPoolFactory.sol"; /* io structs */ enum ClaimMethod { IndividualClaims, YieldTokenIncidents } struct PoolAllocationRequest { uint40 poolId; bool skip; uint coverAmountInAsset; } struct BuyCoverParams { uint coverId; address owner; uint24 productId; uint8 coverAsset; uint96 amount; uint32 period; uint maxPremiumInAsset; uint8 paymentAsset; uint16 commissionRatio; address commissionDestination; string ipfsData; } /* storage structs */ struct PoolAllocation { uint40 poolId; uint96 coverAmountInNXM; uint96 premiumInNXM; uint24 allocationId; } struct CoverData { uint24 productId; uint8 coverAsset; uint96 amountPaidOut; } struct CoverSegment { uint96 amount; uint32 start; uint32 period; // seconds uint32 gracePeriod; // seconds uint24 globalRewardsRatio; uint24 globalCapacityRatio; } interface ICover { /* ========== DATA STRUCTURES ========== */ /* internal structs */ struct RequestAllocationVariables { uint previousPoolAllocationsLength; uint previousPremiumInNXM; uint refund; uint coverAmountInNXM; } /* storage structs */ struct ActiveCover { // Global active cover amount per asset. uint192 totalActiveCoverInAsset; // The last time activeCoverExpirationBuckets was updated uint64 lastBucketUpdateId; } /* ========== VIEWS ========== */ function coverData(uint coverId) external view returns (CoverData memory); function coverDataCount() external view returns (uint); function coverSegmentsCount(uint coverId) external view returns (uint); function coverSegments(uint coverId) external view returns (CoverSegment[] memory); function coverSegmentWithRemainingAmount( uint coverId, uint segmentId ) external view returns (CoverSegment memory); function recalculateActiveCoverInAsset(uint coverAsset) external; function totalActiveCoverInAsset(uint coverAsset) external view returns (uint); function getGlobalCapacityRatio() external view returns (uint); function getGlobalRewardsRatio() external view returns (uint); function getGlobalMinPriceRatio() external pure returns (uint); function getGlobalCapacityAndPriceRatios() external view returns ( uint _globalCapacityRatio, uint _globalMinPriceRatio ); function GLOBAL_MIN_PRICE_RATIO() external view returns (uint); /* === MUTATIVE FUNCTIONS ==== */ function buyCover( BuyCoverParams calldata params, PoolAllocationRequest[] calldata coverChunkRequests ) external payable returns (uint coverId); function burnStake( uint coverId, uint segmentId, uint amount ) external returns (address coverOwner); function changeStakingPoolFactoryOperator() external; function coverNFT() external returns (ICoverNFT); function stakingNFT() external returns (IStakingNFT); function stakingPoolFactory() external returns (ICompleteStakingPoolFactory); /* ========== EVENTS ========== */ event CoverEdited(uint indexed coverId, uint indexed productId, uint indexed segmentId, address buyer, string ipfsMetadata); // Auth error OnlyOwnerOrApproved(); // Cover details error CoverPeriodTooShort(); error CoverPeriodTooLong(); error CoverOutsideOfTheGracePeriod(); error CoverAmountIsZero(); // Products error ProductNotFound(); error ProductDeprecated(); error UnexpectedProductId(); // Cover and payment assets error CoverAssetNotSupported(); error InvalidPaymentAsset(); error UnexpectedCoverAsset(); error UnexpectedEthSent(); error EditNotSupported(); // Price & Commission error PriceExceedsMaxPremiumInAsset(); error CommissionRateTooHigh(); // ETH transfers error InsufficientEthSent(); error SendingEthToPoolFailed(); error SendingEthToCommissionDestinationFailed(); error ReturningEthRemainderToSenderFailed(); // Misc error ExpiredCoversCannotBeEdited(); error CoverNotYetExpired(uint coverId); error InsufficientCoverAmountAllocated(); error UnexpectedPoolId(); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts-v4/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol"; interface ICoverNFT is IERC721 { function isApprovedOrOwner(address spender, uint tokenId) external returns (bool); function mint(address to) external returns (uint tokenId); function changeOperator(address newOperator) external; function changeNFTDescriptor(address newNFTDescriptor) external; function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function name() external view returns (string memory); error NotOperator(); error NotMinted(); error WrongFrom(); error InvalidRecipient(); error InvalidNewOperatorAddress(); error InvalidNewNFTDescriptorAddress(); error NotAuthorized(); error UnsafeRecipient(); error AlreadyMinted(); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; import "./ICover.sol"; /* io structs */ struct ProductInitializationParams { uint productId; uint8 weight; uint96 initialPrice; uint96 targetPrice; } /* storage structs */ struct Product { uint16 productType; address yieldTokenAddress; // cover assets bitmap. each bit represents whether the asset with // the index of that bit is enabled as a cover asset for this product uint32 coverAssets; uint16 initialPriceRatio; uint16 capacityReductionRatio; bool isDeprecated; bool useFixedPrice; } struct ProductType { uint8 claimMethod; uint32 gracePeriod; } interface ICoverProducts { /* storage structs */ struct Metadata { string ipfsHash; uint timestamp; } /* io structs */ struct ProductParam { string productName; uint productId; string ipfsMetadata; Product product; uint[] allowedPools; } struct ProductTypeParam { string productTypeName; uint productTypeId; string ipfsMetadata; ProductType productType; } /* ========== VIEWS ========== */ function getProductType(uint productTypeId) external view returns (ProductType memory); function getProductTypeName(uint productTypeId) external view returns (string memory); function getProductTypeCount() external view returns (uint); function getProductTypes() external view returns (ProductType[] memory); function getProduct(uint productId) external view returns (Product memory); function getProductName(uint productTypeId) external view returns (string memory); function getProductCount() external view returns (uint); function getProducts() external view returns (Product[] memory); // add grace period function? function getProductWithType(uint productId) external view returns (Product memory, ProductType memory); function getLatestProductMetadata(uint productId) external view returns (Metadata memory); function getLatestProductTypeMetadata(uint productTypeId) external view returns (Metadata memory); function getProductMetadata(uint productId) external view returns (Metadata[] memory); function getProductTypeMetadata(uint productTypeId) external view returns (Metadata[] memory); function getAllowedPools(uint productId) external view returns (uint[] memory _allowedPools); function getAllowedPoolsCount(uint productId) external view returns (uint); function isPoolAllowed(uint productId, uint poolId) external view returns (bool); function requirePoolIsAllowed(uint[] calldata productIds, uint poolId) external view; function getCapacityReductionRatios(uint[] calldata productIds) external view returns (uint[] memory); function getInitialPrices(uint[] calldata productIds) external view returns (uint[] memory); function prepareStakingProductsParams( ProductInitializationParams[] calldata params ) external returns ( ProductInitializationParams[] memory validatedParams ); /* === MUTATIVE FUNCTIONS ==== */ function setProductTypes(ProductTypeParam[] calldata productTypes) external; function setProducts(ProductParam[] calldata params) external; /* ========== EVENTS ========== */ event ProductSet(uint id); event ProductTypeSet(uint id); // Products and product types error ProductNotFound(); error ProductTypeNotFound(); error ProductDeprecated(); error PoolNotAllowedForThisProduct(uint productId); error StakingPoolDoesNotExist(); error MismatchedArrayLengths(); error MetadataRequired(); // Misc error UnsupportedCoverAssets(); error InitialPriceRatioBelowGlobalMinPriceRatio(); error InitialPriceRatioAbove100Percent(); error CapacityReductionRatioAbove100Percent(); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; interface IMasterAwareV2 { // TODO: if you update this enum, update lib/constants.js as well enum ID { TC, // TokenController.sol P1, // Pool.sol MR, // MemberRoles.sol MC, // MCR.sol CO, // Cover.sol SP, // StakingProducts.sol PS, // LegacyPooledStaking.sol GV, // Governance.sol GW, // LegacyGateway.sol - removed CL, // CoverMigrator.sol - removed AS, // Assessment.sol CI, // IndividualClaims.sol - Claims for Individuals CG, // YieldTokenIncidents.sol - Claims for Groups RA, // Ramm.sol ST, // SafeTracker.sol CP // CoverProducts.sol } function changeMasterAddress(address masterAddress) external; function changeDependentContractAddress() external; function internalContracts(uint) external view returns (address payable); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; interface IMemberRoles { enum Role {Unassigned, AdvisoryBoard, Member, Owner, Auditor} function join(address _userAddress, uint nonce, bytes calldata signature) external payable; function switchMembership(address _newAddress) external; function switchMembershipAndAssets( address newAddress, uint[] calldata coverIds, uint[] calldata stakingTokenIds ) external; function switchMembershipOf(address member, address _newAddress) external; function totalRoles() external view returns (uint256); function changeAuthorized(uint _roleId, address _newAuthorized) external; function setKycAuthAddress(address _add) external; function members(uint _memberRoleId) external view returns (uint, address[] memory memberArray); function numberOfMembers(uint _memberRoleId) external view returns (uint); function authorized(uint _memberRoleId) external view returns (address); function roles(address _memberAddress) external view returns (uint[] memory); function checkRole(address _memberAddress, uint _roleId) external view returns (bool); function getMemberLengthForAllRoles() external view returns (uint[] memory totalMembers); function memberAtIndex(uint _memberRoleId, uint index) external view returns (address, bool); function membersLength(uint _memberRoleId) external view returns (uint); event MemberRole(uint256 indexed roleId, bytes32 roleName, string roleDescription); event MemberJoined(address indexed newMember, uint indexed nonce); event switchedMembership(address indexed previousMember, address indexed newMember, uint timeStamp); event MembershipWithdrawn(address indexed member, uint timestamp); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; import "./IPriceFeedOracle.sol"; struct SwapDetails { uint104 minAmount; uint104 maxAmount; uint32 lastSwapTime; // 2 decimals of precision. 0.01% -> 0.0001 -> 1e14 uint16 maxSlippageRatio; } struct Asset { address assetAddress; bool isCoverAsset; bool isAbandoned; } interface IPool { function swapOperator() external view returns (address); function getAsset(uint assetId) external view returns (Asset memory); function getAssets() external view returns (Asset[] memory); function transferAssetToSwapOperator(address asset, uint amount) external; function setSwapDetailsLastSwapTime(address asset, uint32 lastSwapTime) external; function getAssetSwapDetails(address assetAddress) external view returns (SwapDetails memory); function sendPayout(uint assetIndex, address payable payoutAddress, uint amount, uint ethDepositAmount) external; function sendEth(address payoutAddress, uint amount) external; function upgradeCapitalPool(address payable newPoolAddress) external; function priceFeedOracle() external view returns (IPriceFeedOracle); function getPoolValueInEth() external view returns (uint); function calculateMCRRatio(uint totalAssetValue, uint mcrEth) external pure returns (uint); function getInternalTokenPriceInAsset(uint assetId) external view returns (uint tokenPrice); function getInternalTokenPriceInAssetAndUpdateTwap(uint assetId) external returns (uint tokenPrice); function getTokenPrice() external view returns (uint tokenPrice); function getMCRRatio() external view returns (uint); function setSwapValue(uint value) external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; interface Aggregator { function decimals() external view returns (uint8); function latestAnswer() external view returns (int); } interface IPriceFeedOracle { struct OracleAsset { Aggregator aggregator; uint8 decimals; } function ETH() external view returns (address); function assets(address) external view returns (Aggregator, uint8); function getAssetToEthRate(address asset) external view returns (uint); function getAssetForEth(address asset, uint ethIn) external view returns (uint); function getEthForAsset(address asset, uint amount) external view returns (uint); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; interface ISAFURAMaster { function tokenAddress() external view returns (address); function owner() external view returns (address); function emergencyAdmin() external view returns (address); function masterInitialized() external view returns (bool); function isInternal(address _add) external view returns (bool); function isPause() external view returns (bool check); function isMember(address _add) external view returns (bool); function checkIsAuthToGoverned(address _add) external view returns (bool); function getLatestAddress(bytes2 _contractName) external view returns (address payable contractAddress); function contractAddresses(bytes2 code) external view returns (address payable); function upgradeMultipleContracts( bytes2[] calldata _contractCodes, address payable[] calldata newAddresses ) external; function removeContracts(bytes2[] calldata contractCodesToRemove) external; function addNewInternalContracts( bytes2[] calldata _contractCodes, address payable[] calldata newAddresses, uint[] calldata _types ) external; function updateOwnerParameters(bytes8 code, address payable val) external; }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; interface ISAFURAToken { function burn(uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function burnFrom(address from, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function operatorTransfer(address from, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external; function isLockedForMV(address member) external view returns (uint); function whiteListed(address member) external view returns (bool); function addToWhiteList(address _member) external returns (bool); function removeFromWhiteList(address _member) external returns (bool); function changeOperator(address _newOperator) external returns (bool); function lockForMemberVote(address _of, uint _days) external; /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts-v4/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol"; interface IStakingNFT is IERC721 { function isApprovedOrOwner(address spender, uint tokenId) external returns (bool); function mint(uint poolId, address to) external returns (uint tokenId); function changeOperator(address newOperator) external; function changeNFTDescriptor(address newNFTDescriptor) external; function totalSupply() external returns (uint); function tokenInfo(uint tokenId) external view returns (uint poolId, address owner); function stakingPoolOf(uint tokenId) external view returns (uint poolId); function stakingPoolFactory() external view returns (address); function name() external view returns (string memory); error NotOperator(); error NotMinted(); error WrongFrom(); error InvalidRecipient(); error InvalidNewOperatorAddress(); error InvalidNewNFTDescriptorAddress(); error NotAuthorized(); error UnsafeRecipient(); error AlreadyMinted(); error NotStakingPool(); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; /* structs for io */ struct AllocationRequest { uint productId; uint coverId; uint allocationId; uint period; uint gracePeriod; bool useFixedPrice; uint previousStart; uint previousExpiration; uint previousRewardsRatio; uint globalCapacityRatio; uint capacityReductionRatio; uint rewardRatio; uint globalMinPrice; } struct BurnStakeParams { uint allocationId; uint productId; uint start; uint period; uint deallocationAmount; } interface IStakingPool { /* structs for storage */ // stakers are grouped in tranches based on the timelock expiration // tranche index is calculated based on the expiration date // the initial proposal is to have 4 tranches per year (1 tranche per quarter) struct Tranche { uint128 stakeShares; uint128 rewardsShares; } struct ExpiredTranche { uint96 accNxmPerRewardShareAtExpiry; uint96 stakeAmountAtExpiry; // nxm total supply is 6.7e24 and uint96.max is 7.9e28 uint128 stakeSharesSupplyAtExpiry; } struct Deposit { uint96 lastAccNxmPerRewardShare; uint96 pendingRewards; uint128 stakeShares; uint128 rewardsShares; } function initialize( bool isPrivatePool, uint initialPoolFee, uint maxPoolFee, uint _poolId, string memory ipfsDescriptionHash ) external; function processExpirations(bool updateUntilCurrentTimestamp) external; function requestAllocation( uint amount, uint previousPremium, AllocationRequest calldata request ) external returns (uint premium, uint allocationId); function burnStake(uint amount, BurnStakeParams calldata params) external; function depositTo( uint amount, uint trancheId, uint requestTokenId, address destination ) external returns (uint tokenId); function withdraw( uint tokenId, bool withdrawStake, bool withdrawRewards, uint[] memory trancheIds ) external returns (uint withdrawnStake, uint withdrawnRewards); function isPrivatePool() external view returns (bool); function isHalted() external view returns (bool); function manager() external view returns (address); function getPoolId() external view returns (uint); function getPoolFee() external view returns (uint); function getMaxPoolFee() external view returns (uint); function getActiveStake() external view returns (uint); function getStakeSharesSupply() external view returns (uint); function getRewardsSharesSupply() external view returns (uint); function getRewardPerSecond() external view returns (uint); function getAccNxmPerRewardsShare() external view returns (uint); function getLastAccNxmUpdate() external view returns (uint); function getFirstActiveTrancheId() external view returns (uint); function getFirstActiveBucketId() external view returns (uint); function getNextAllocationId() external view returns (uint); function getDeposit(uint tokenId, uint trancheId) external view returns ( uint lastAccNxmPerRewardShare, uint pendingRewards, uint stakeShares, uint rewardsShares ); function getTranche(uint trancheId) external view returns ( uint stakeShares, uint rewardsShares ); function getExpiredTranche(uint trancheId) external view returns ( uint accNxmPerRewardShareAtExpiry, uint stakeAmountAtExpiry, uint stakeShareSupplyAtExpiry ); function setPoolFee(uint newFee) external; function setPoolPrivacy(bool isPrivatePool) external; function getActiveAllocations( uint productId ) external view returns (uint[] memory trancheAllocations); function getTrancheCapacities( uint productId, uint firstTrancheId, uint trancheCount, uint capacityRatio, uint reductionRatio ) external view returns (uint[] memory trancheCapacities); /* ========== EVENTS ========== */ event StakeDeposited(address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 trancheId, uint256 tokenId); event DepositExtended(address indexed user, uint256 tokenId, uint256 initialTrancheId, uint256 newTrancheId, uint256 topUpAmount); event PoolPrivacyChanged(address indexed manager, bool isPrivate); event PoolFeeChanged(address indexed manager, uint newFee); event PoolDescriptionSet(string ipfsDescriptionHash); event Withdraw(address indexed user, uint indexed tokenId, uint tranche, uint amountStakeWithdrawn, uint amountRewardsWithdrawn); event StakeBurned(uint amount); event Deallocated(uint productId); event BucketExpired(uint bucketId); event TrancheExpired(uint trancheId); // Auth error OnlyCoverContract(); error OnlyStakingProductsContract(); error OnlyManager(); error PrivatePool(); error SystemPaused(); error PoolHalted(); // Fees error PoolFeeExceedsMax(); error MaxPoolFeeAbove100(); // Voting error NxmIsLockedForGovernanceVote(); error ManagerNxmIsLockedForGovernanceVote(); // Deposit error InsufficientDepositAmount(); error RewardRatioTooHigh(); // Staking NFTs error InvalidTokenId(); error NotTokenOwnerOrApproved(); error InvalidStakingPoolForToken(); // Tranche & capacity error NewTrancheEndsBeforeInitialTranche(); error RequestedTrancheIsNotYetActive(); error RequestedTrancheIsExpired(); error InsufficientCapacity(); // Allocation error AlreadyDeallocated(uint allocationId); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.5.0; /** * @dev This is the interface that {BeaconProxy} expects of its beacon. */ interface IStakingPoolBeacon { /** * @dev Must return an address that can be used as a delegate call target. * * {BeaconProxy} will check that this address is a contract. */ function stakingPoolImplementation() external view returns (address); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; interface IStakingPoolFactory { function stakingPoolCount() external view returns (uint); function beacon() external view returns (address); function create(address beacon) external returns (uint poolId, address stakingPoolAddress); event StakingPoolCreated(uint indexed poolId, address indexed stakingPoolAddress); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity >=0.5.0; import "./ISAFURAToken.sol"; interface ITokenController { struct StakingPoolNXMBalances { uint128 rewards; uint128 deposits; } struct CoverInfo { uint16 claimCount; bool hasOpenClaim; bool hasAcceptedClaim; uint96 requestedPayoutAmount; // note: still 128 bits available here, can be used later } struct StakingPoolOwnershipOffer { address proposedManager; uint96 deadline; } function coverInfo(uint id) external view returns ( uint16 claimCount, bool hasOpenClaim, bool hasAcceptedClaim, uint96 requestedPayoutAmount ); function withdrawCoverNote( address _of, uint[] calldata _coverIds, uint[] calldata _indexes ) external; function changeOperator(address _newOperator) external; function operatorTransfer(address _from, address _to, uint _value) external returns (bool); function burnFrom(address _of, uint amount) external returns (bool); function addToWhitelist(address _member) external; function removeFromWhitelist(address _member) external; function mint(address _member, uint _amount) external; function lockForMemberVote(address _of, uint _days) external; function withdrawClaimAssessmentTokens(address[] calldata users) external; function getLockReasons(address _of) external view returns (bytes32[] memory reasons); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function totalBalanceOf(address _of) external view returns (uint amount); function totalBalanceOfWithoutDelegations(address _of) external view returns (uint amount); function getTokenPrice() external view returns (uint tokenPrice); function token() external view returns (ISAFURAToken); function getStakingPoolManager(uint poolId) external view returns (address manager); function getManagerStakingPools(address manager) external view returns (uint[] memory poolIds); function isStakingPoolManager(address member) external view returns (bool); function getStakingPoolOwnershipOffer(uint poolId) external view returns (address proposedManager, uint deadline); function transferStakingPoolsOwnership(address from, address to) external; function assignStakingPoolManager(uint poolId, address manager) external; function createStakingPoolOwnershipOffer(uint poolId, address proposedManager, uint deadline) external; function acceptStakingPoolOwnershipOffer(uint poolId) external; function cancelStakingPoolOwnershipOffer(uint poolId) external; function mintStakingPoolNXMRewards(uint amount, uint poolId) external; function burnStakingPoolNXMRewards(uint amount, uint poolId) external; function depositStakedNXM(address from, uint amount, uint poolId) external; function withdrawNXMStakeAndRewards(address to, uint stakeToWithdraw, uint rewardsToWithdraw, uint poolId) external; function burnStakedNXM(uint amount, uint poolId) external; function stakingPoolNXMBalances(uint poolId) external view returns(uint128 rewards, uint128 deposits); function tokensLocked(address _of, bytes32 _reason) external view returns (uint256 amount); function getWithdrawableCoverNotes( address coverOwner ) external view returns ( uint[] memory coverIds, bytes32[] memory lockReasons, uint withdrawableAmount ); function getPendingRewards(address member) external view returns (uint); }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity ^0.8.18; /** * @dev Simple library that defines min, max and babylonian sqrt functions */ library Math { function min(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { return a > b ? a : b; } function sum(uint[] memory items) internal pure returns (uint) { uint count = items.length; uint total; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { total += items[i]; } return total; } function divRound(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { return (a + b / 2) / b; } function divCeil(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { return (a + b - 1) / b; } function roundUp(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { return divCeil(a, b) * b; } // babylonian method function sqrt(uint y) internal pure returns (uint) { if (y > 3) { uint z = y; uint x = y / 2 + 1; while (x < z) { z = x; x = (y / x + x) / 2; } return z; } if (y != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.18; /** * @dev Wrappers over Solidity's uintXX casting operators with added overflow * checks. * * Downcasting from uint256 in Solidity does not revert on overflow. This can * easily result in undesired exploitation or bugs, since developers usually * assume that overflows raise errors. `SafeCast` restores this intuition by * reverting the transaction when such an operation overflows. * * Using this library instead of the unchecked operations eliminates an entire * class of bugs, so it's recommended to use it always. */ library SafeUintCast { /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint248 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint248). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint248` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 248 bits */ function toUint248(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint248) { require(value < 2**248, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 248 bits"); return uint248(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint240 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint240). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint240` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 240 bits */ function toUint240(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint240) { require(value < 2**240, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 240 bits"); return uint240(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint232 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint232). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint232` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 232 bits */ function toUint232(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint232) { require(value < 2**232, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 232 bits"); return uint232(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint224 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint224). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint224` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 224 bits */ function toUint224(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint224) { require(value < 2**224, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 224 bits"); return uint224(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint216 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint216). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint216` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 216 bits */ function toUint216(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint216) { require(value < 2**216, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 216 bits"); return uint216(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint208 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint208). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint208` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 208 bits */ function toUint208(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint208) { require(value < 2**208, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 208 bits"); return uint208(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint200 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint200). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint200` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 200 bits */ function toUint200(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint200) { require(value < 2**200, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 200 bits"); return uint200(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint192 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint192). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint192` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 192 bits */ function toUint192(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint192) { require(value < 2**192, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 192 bits"); return uint192(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint184 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint184). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint184` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 184 bits */ function toUint184(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint184) { require(value < 2**184, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 184 bits"); return uint184(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint176 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint176). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint176` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 176 bits */ function toUint176(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint176) { require(value < 2**176, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 176 bits"); return uint176(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint168 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint168). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint168` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 168 bits */ function toUint168(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint168) { require(value < 2**168, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 168 bits"); return uint168(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint160 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint160). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint160` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 160 bits */ function toUint160(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint160) { require(value < 2**160, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 160 bits"); return uint160(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint152 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint152). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint152` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 152 bits */ function toUint152(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint152) { require(value < 2**152, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 152 bits"); return uint152(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint144 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint144). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint144` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 144 bits */ function toUint144(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint144) { require(value < 2**144, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 144 bits"); return uint144(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint136 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint136). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint136` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 136 bits */ function toUint136(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint136) { require(value < 2**136, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 136 bits"); return uint136(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint128 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint128). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint128` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 128 bits */ function toUint128(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint128) { require(value < 2**128, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 128 bits"); return uint128(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint120 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint120). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint120` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 120 bits */ function toUint120(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint120) { require(value < 2**120, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 120 bits"); return uint120(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint112 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint112). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint112` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 112 bits */ function toUint112(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint112) { require(value < 2**112, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 112 bits"); return uint112(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint104 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint104). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint104` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 104 bits */ function toUint104(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint104) { require(value < 2**104, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 104 bits"); return uint104(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint96 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint96). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint104` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 96 bits */ function toUint96(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint96) { require(value < 2**96, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 96 bits"); return uint96(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint88 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint88). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint104` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 88 bits */ function toUint88(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint88) { require(value < 2**88, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 88 bits"); return uint88(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint80 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint80). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint104` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 80 bits */ function toUint80(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint80) { require(value < 2**80, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 80 bits"); return uint80(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint64 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint64). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint64` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 64 bits */ function toUint64(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint64) { require(value < 2**64, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 64 bits"); return uint64(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint56 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint56). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint56` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 56 bits */ function toUint56(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint56) { require(value < 2**56, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 56 bits"); return uint56(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint48 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint48). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint48` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 48 bits */ function toUint48(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint48) { require(value < 2**48, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 48 bits"); return uint48(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint40 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint40). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint40` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 40 bits */ function toUint40(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint40) { require(value < 2**40, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 40 bits"); return uint40(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint32 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint32). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint32` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 32 bits */ function toUint32(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint32) { require(value < 2**32, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 32 bits"); return uint32(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint24 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint24). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint24` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 24 bits */ function toUint24(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint24) { require(value < 2**24, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 24 bits"); return uint24(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint16 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint16). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint16` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 16 bits */ function toUint16(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint16) { require(value < 2**16, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 16 bits"); return uint16(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint8 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint8). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint8` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 8 bits. */ function toUint8(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint8) { require(value < 2**8, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 8 bits"); return uint8(value); } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only pragma solidity ^0.8.18; /** * @dev Simple library to derive the staking pool address from the pool id without external calls */ library StakingPoolLibrary { function getAddress(address factory, uint poolId) internal pure returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256( abi.encodePacked( hex'ff', factory, poolId, // salt // init code hash of the MinimalBeaconProxy // updated using patch-staking-pool-library.js script hex'1eb804b66941a2e8465fa0951be9c8b855b7794ee05b0789ab22a02ee1298ebe' // init code hash ) ); // cast last 20 bytes of hash to address return address(uint160(uint(hash))); } }
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Contract ABI
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Contract Creation Code
Deployed Bytecode
Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)
-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : _coverNFT (address): 0x986b56C78cb533bc89e00dE6Eb160d6ca2159bbd
Arg [1] : _stakingNFT (address): 0xA5190B1bf3fc95d28B739fFF3bcfc106aCF3863E
Arg [2] : _stakingPoolFactory (address): 0x28556B2C28CB6991A306093E67d1959905a8D28D
Arg [3] : _stakingPoolImplementation (address): 0x9a16908588d42f1a223Ac903aBd383423d154107
-----Encoded View---------------
4 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 000000000000000000000000986b56c78cb533bc89e00de6eb160d6ca2159bbd
Arg [1] : 000000000000000000000000a5190b1bf3fc95d28b739fff3bcfc106acf3863e
Arg [2] : 00000000000000000000000028556b2c28cb6991a306093e67d1959905a8d28d
Arg [3] : 0000000000000000000000009a16908588d42f1a223ac903abd383423d154107
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