Sonic Blaze Testnet

Contract Diff Checker

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import { IERC721, IERC721Metadata } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/IERC721Metadata.sol";
import { IVotes } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/utils/IVotes.sol";
import { IERC721Receiver } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol";
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IVeArtProxy } from "./interfaces/IVeArtProxy.sol";
import { IVotingEscrow } from "./interfaces/IVotingEscrow.sol";

/// @title Voting Escrow
/// @notice veNFT implementation that escrows ERC-20 tokens in the form of an ERC-721 NFT
/// @notice Votes have a weight depending on time, so that users are committed to the future of (whatever they are
/// voting for)
/// @author Modified from Thena (
/// @author Modified from Solidly (
/// @author Modified from Curve (
/// @author Modified from Nouns DAO
/// (
/// @dev Vote weight decays linearly over time. Lock time cannot be more than `MAXTIME` (2 years).
contract VotingEscrow is IERC721Metadata, IVotes {
    enum DepositType {

    struct LockedBalance {
        int128 amount;
        uint256 end;

    struct Point {
        int128 bias;
        int128 slope; // # -dweight / dt
        uint256 ts;
        uint256 blk; // block
    /* We cannot really do block numbers per se b/c slope is per time, not per block
     * and per block could be fairly bad b/c Ethereum changes blocktimes.
     * What we can do is to extrapolate ***At functions */

    /// @notice A checkpoint for marking delegated tokenIds from a given timestamp
    struct Checkpoint {
        uint256 timestamp;
        uint256[] tokenIds;


    event Deposit(
        address indexed provider,
        uint256 tokenId,
        uint256 value,
        uint256 indexed locktime,
        DepositType deposit_type,
        uint256 ts
    event Withdraw(address indexed provider, uint256 tokenId, uint256 value, uint256 ts);
    event Supply(uint256 prevSupply, uint256 supply);
    event VotingApproval(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, uint256 indexed tokenId);
    event VotingApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);


    error NotToken();
    error AlreadyAttached();
    error NotApprovedOrOwner();
    error NoLock();
    error LockExpired();
    error LockInFuture();
    error LockTooLong();
    error TooManyDelegates();
    error InvalidSignature();
    error InvalidNonce();
    error SignatureExpired();


    address public immutable token;
    address public voter;
    address public team;
    address public artProxy;

    mapping(uint256 => Point) public point_history; // epoch -> unsigned point

    /// @dev Mapping of interface id to bool about whether or not it's supported
    mapping(bytes4 => bool) internal supportedInterfaces;

    /// @dev ERC165 interface ID of ERC165
    bytes4 internal constant ERC165_INTERFACE_ID = 0x01ffc9a7;

    /// @dev ERC165 interface ID of ERC721
    bytes4 internal constant ERC721_INTERFACE_ID = 0x80ac58cd;

    /// @dev ERC165 interface ID of ERC721Metadata
    bytes4 internal constant ERC721_METADATA_INTERFACE_ID = 0x5b5e139f;

    /// @dev Current count of token
    uint256 internal tokenId;

    /// @notice Contract constructor
    /// @param token_addr `THENA` token address
    constructor(address token_addr, address art_proxy) {
        token = token_addr;
        team = msg.sender;
        artProxy = art_proxy;

        point_history[0].blk = block.number;
        point_history[0].ts = block.timestamp;

        supportedInterfaces[ERC165_INTERFACE_ID] = true;
        supportedInterfaces[ERC721_INTERFACE_ID] = true;
        supportedInterfaces[ERC721_METADATA_INTERFACE_ID] = true;

        // mint-ish
        emit Transfer(address(0), address(this), tokenId);
        // burn-ish
        emit Transfer(address(this), address(0), tokenId);


    /// @dev reentrancy guard
    uint8 internal constant _not_entered = 1;
    uint8 internal constant _entered = 2;
    uint8 internal _entered_state = 1;

    modifier nonreentrant() {
        require(_entered_state == _not_entered);
        _entered_state = _entered;
        _entered_state = _not_entered;

                             METADATA STORAGE

    string public constant name = "Rings veUSD";
    string public constant symbol = "veUSD";
    string public constant version = "1.0.0";
    uint8 public constant decimals = 6;

    function setTeam(address _team) external {
        require(msg.sender == team);
        team = _team;

    function setArtProxy(address _proxy) external {
        require(msg.sender == team);
        artProxy = _proxy;

    /// @dev Returns current token URI metadata
    /// @param _tokenId Token ID to fetch URI for.
    function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (string memory) {
        if (idToOwner[_tokenId] == address(0)) {
            revert NotToken();
        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
        return IVeArtProxy(artProxy)._tokenURI(
            _tokenId, _balanceOfNFT(_tokenId, block.timestamp), _locked.end, uint256(int256(_locked.amount))

                      ERC721 BALANCE/OWNER STORAGE

    /// @dev Mapping from NFT ID to the address that owns it.
    mapping(uint256 => address) internal idToOwner;

    /// @dev Mapping from owner address to count of his tokens.
    mapping(address => uint256) internal ownerToNFTokenCount;

    /// @dev Returns the address of the owner of the NFT.
    /// @param _tokenId The identifier for an NFT.
    function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address) {
        return idToOwner[_tokenId];

    /// @dev Returns the number of NFTs owned by `_owner`.
    ///      Throws if `_owner` is the zero address. NFTs assigned to the zero address are considered invalid.
    /// @param _owner Address for whom to query the balance.
    function _balance(address _owner) internal view returns (uint256) {
        return ownerToNFTokenCount[_owner];

    /// @dev Returns the number of NFTs owned by `_owner`.
    ///      Throws if `_owner` is the zero address. NFTs assigned to the zero address are considered invalid.
    /// @param _owner Address for whom to query the balance.
    function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _balance(_owner);

                         VOTING APPROVAL STORAGE

    /// @dev Mapping from NFT ID to voting approved address.
    mapping(uint256 => address) internal idToVotingApprovals;

    /// @dev Mapping from owner address to mapping of voting operator addresses.
    mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) internal ownerToVotingOperators;

    /// @dev Get the voting approved address for a single NFT.
    /// @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to query the voting approval of.
    function getVotingApproved(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (address) {
        return idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId];

    /// @dev Checks if `_operator` is a voting approved operator for `_owner`.
    /// @param _owner The address that owns the NFTs.
    /// @param _operator The address that acts on behalf of the owner for voting.
    function isVotingApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator) external view returns (bool) {
        return (ownerToVotingOperators[_owner])[_operator];

    /// @dev Returns whether the given voter can vote a given token ID
    /// @param _voter address of the voter to query
    /// @param _tokenId uint ID of the token to be transferred
    /// @return bool whether the msg.sender is approved for the given token ID, is an operator of the owner, or is the
    /// owner of the token
    function _isVotingApprovedOrOwner(address _voter, uint256 _tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
        address owner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        bool voterIsOwner = owner == _voter;
        bool voterIsApproved = idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId] == _voter;
        bool voterIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToVotingOperators[owner])[_voter];
        bool isApproved = idToApprovals[_tokenId] == _voter;
        bool _isApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[_voter];

        return voterIsOwner || voterIsApproved || voterIsApprovedForAll || isApproved || _isApprovedForAll;

    function isVotingApprovedOrOwner(address _voter, uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool) {
        return _isVotingApprovedOrOwner(_voter, _tokenId);

                        VOTING APPROVAL LOGIC

    /// @dev Set or reaffirm the voting approved address for an NFT. The zero address indicates there is no voting
    /// approved address.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current NFT owner, or an authorized voting operator of the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    ///      Throws if `_approved` is the current owner. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    /// @param _approved Address to be approved for the given NFT ID.
    /// @param _tokenId ID of the token to be approved.
    function approveVoting(address _approved, uint256 _tokenId) public {
        address owner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        // Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT
        require(owner != address(0));
        // Throws if `_approved` is the current owner
        require(_approved != owner);
        // Check requirements
        bool senderIsOwner = (idToOwner[_tokenId] == msg.sender);
        bool senderIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[msg.sender];
        require(senderIsOwner || senderIsApprovedForAll);
        // Set the approval
        idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId] = _approved;
        emit VotingApproval(owner, _approved, _tokenId);

    /// @dev Enables or disables voting approval for a third party ("operator") to manage all of
    ///      `msg.sender`'s assets votes. It also emits the VotingApprovalForAll event.
    ///      Throws if `_operator` is the `msg.sender`. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    /// @notice This works even if sender doesn't own any tokens at the time.
    /// @param _operator Address to add to the set of authorized voting operators.
    /// @param _approved True if the voting operators is approved, false to revoke approval.
    function setVotingApprovalForAll(address _operator, bool _approved) external {
        // Throws if `_operator` is the `msg.sender`
        assert(_operator != msg.sender);
        ownerToVotingOperators[msg.sender][_operator] = _approved;
        emit VotingApprovalForAll(msg.sender, _operator, _approved);

    /// @dev Clear an approval of a given address. Caller should check beforehand if the sender is the owner.
    function _clearVotingApproval(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        if (idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId] != address(0)) {
            // Reset approvals
            idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId] = address(0);

                         ERC721 APPROVAL STORAGE

    /// @dev Mapping from NFT ID to approved address.
    mapping(uint256 => address) internal idToApprovals;

    /// @dev Mapping from owner address to mapping of operator addresses.
    mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) internal ownerToOperators;

    mapping(uint256 => uint256) public ownership_change;

    /// @dev Get the approved address for a single NFT.
    /// @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to query the approval of.
    function getApproved(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (address) {
        return idToApprovals[_tokenId];

    /// @dev Checks if `_operator` is an approved operator for `_owner`.
    /// @param _owner The address that owns the NFTs.
    /// @param _operator The address that acts on behalf of the owner.
    function isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator) external view returns (bool) {
        return (ownerToOperators[_owner])[_operator];

                              ERC721 LOGIC

    /// @dev Set or reaffirm the approved address for an NFT. The zero address indicates there is no approved address.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current NFT owner, or an authorized operator of the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    ///      Throws if `_approved` is the current owner. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    /// @param _approved Address to be approved for the given NFT ID.
    /// @param _tokenId ID of the token to be approved.
    function approve(address _approved, uint256 _tokenId) public {
        address owner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        // Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT
        require(owner != address(0));
        // Throws if `_approved` is the current owner
        require(_approved != owner);
        // Check requirements
        bool senderIsOwner = (idToOwner[_tokenId] == msg.sender);
        bool senderIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[msg.sender];
        require(senderIsOwner || senderIsApprovedForAll);
        // Set the approval
        idToApprovals[_tokenId] = _approved;
        emit Approval(owner, _approved, _tokenId);

    /// @dev Enables or disables approval for a third party ("operator") to manage all of
    ///      `msg.sender`'s assets. It also emits the ApprovalForAll event.
    ///      Throws if `_operator` is the `msg.sender`. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    /// @notice This works even if sender doesn't own any tokens at the time.
    /// @param _operator Address to add to the set of authorized operators.
    /// @param _approved True if the operators is approved, false to revoke approval.
    function setApprovalForAll(address _operator, bool _approved) external {
        // Throws if `_operator` is the `msg.sender`
        assert(_operator != msg.sender);
        ownerToOperators[msg.sender][_operator] = _approved;
        emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, _operator, _approved);

    /// @dev Clear an approval of a given address
    ///      Throws if `_owner` is not the current owner.
    function _clearApproval(address _owner, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        // Throws if `_owner` is not the current owner
        assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == _owner);
        if (idToApprovals[_tokenId] != address(0)) {
            // Reset approvals
            idToApprovals[_tokenId] = address(0);

    /// @dev Returns whether the given spender can transfer a given token ID
    /// @param _spender address of the spender to query
    /// @param _tokenId uint ID of the token to be transferred
    /// @return bool whether the msg.sender is approved for the given token ID, is an operator of the owner, or is the
    /// owner of the token
    function _isApprovedOrOwner(address _spender, uint256 _tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
        address owner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        bool spenderIsOwner = owner == _spender;
        bool spenderIsApproved = _spender == idToApprovals[_tokenId];
        bool spenderIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[_spender];
        return spenderIsOwner || spenderIsApproved || spenderIsApprovedForAll;

    function isApprovedOrOwner(address _spender, uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool) {
        return _isApprovedOrOwner(_spender, _tokenId);

    /// @dev Exeute transfer of a NFT.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved
    ///      address for this NFT. (NOTE: `msg.sender` not allowed in internal function so pass `_sender`.)
    ///      Throws if `_to` is the zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
    function _transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId, address _sender) internal {
        if (attachments[_tokenId] != 0 || voted[_tokenId]) {
            revert AlreadyAttached();
        // Check requirements
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_sender, _tokenId));
        // Clear approval. Throws if `_from` is not the current owner
        _clearApproval(_from, _tokenId);
        // Clear voting approval.
        // Remove NFT. Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT
        _removeTokenFrom(_from, _tokenId);
        // auto re-delegate
        _moveTokenDelegates(delegates(_from), delegates(_to), _tokenId);
        // Add NFT
        _addTokenTo(_to, _tokenId);
        // Set the block of ownership transfer (for Flash NFT protection)
        ownership_change[_tokenId] = block.number;
        // Log the transfer
        emit Transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);

    /// @dev Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved address for this
    /// NFT.
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_to` is the zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
    /// @notice The caller is responsible to confirm that `_to` is capable of receiving NFTs or else
    ///        they maybe be permanently lost.
    /// @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
    /// @param _to The new owner.
    /// @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) external {
        _transferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, msg.sender);

    /// @dev Transfers the ownership of an NFT from one address to another address.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the
    ///      approved address for this NFT.
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_to` is the zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
    ///      If `_to` is a smart contract, it calls `onERC721Received` on `_to` and throws if
    ///      the return value is not `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint,bytes)"))`.
    /// @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
    /// @param _to The new owner.
    /// @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
    function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) external {
        safeTransferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, "");

    function _isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
        // This method relies on extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in
        // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the
        // constructor execution.
        uint256 size;
        assembly {
            size := extcodesize(account)
        return size > 0;

    /// @dev Transfers the ownership of an NFT from one address to another address.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the
    ///      approved address for this NFT.
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_to` is the zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
    ///      If `_to` is a smart contract, it calls `onERC721Received` on `_to` and throws if
    ///      the return value is not `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint,bytes)"))`.
    /// @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
    /// @param _to The new owner.
    /// @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
    /// @param _data Additional data with no specified format, sent in call to `_to`.
    function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId, bytes memory _data) public {
        _transferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, msg.sender);

        if (_isContract(_to)) {
            // Throws if transfer destination is a contract which does not implement 'onERC721Received'
            try IERC721Receiver(_to).onERC721Received(msg.sender, _from, _tokenId, _data) returns (bytes4 response) {
                if (response != IERC721Receiver(_to).onERC721Received.selector) {
                    revert("ERC721: ERC721Receiver rejected tokens");
            } catch (bytes memory reason) {
                if (reason.length == 0) {
                    revert("ERC721: transfer to non ERC721Receiver implementer");
                } else {
                    assembly {
                        revert(add(32, reason), mload(reason))

                              ERC165 LOGIC

    /// @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165.
    /// @param _interfaceID Id of the interface
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceID) external view returns (bool) {
        return supportedInterfaces[_interfaceID];

                        INTERNAL MINT/BURN LOGIC

    /// @dev Mapping from owner address to mapping of index to tokenIds
    mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) internal ownerToNFTokenIdList;

    /// @dev Mapping from NFT ID to index of owner
    mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal tokenToOwnerIndex;

    /// @dev  Get token by index
    function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address _owner, uint256 _tokenIndex) external view returns (uint256) {
        return ownerToNFTokenIdList[_owner][_tokenIndex];

    /// @dev Add a NFT to an index mapping to a given address
    /// @param _to address of the receiver
    /// @param _tokenId uint ID Of the token to be added
    function _addTokenToOwnerList(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        uint256 current_count = _balance(_to);

        ownerToNFTokenIdList[_to][current_count] = _tokenId;
        tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId] = current_count;

    /// @dev Add a NFT to a given address
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is owned by someone.
    function _addTokenTo(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        // Throws if `_tokenId` is owned by someone
        assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == address(0));
        // Change the owner
        idToOwner[_tokenId] = _to;
        // Update owner token index tracking
        _addTokenToOwnerList(_to, _tokenId);
        // Change count tracking
        ownerToNFTokenCount[_to] += 1;

    /// @dev Function to mint tokens
    ///      Throws if `_to` is zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is owned by someone.
    /// @param _to The address that will receive the minted tokens.
    /// @param _tokenId The token id to mint.
    /// @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful.
    function _mint(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal returns (bool) {
        // Throws if `_to` is zero address
        assert(_to != address(0));
        // checkpoint for gov
        _moveTokenDelegates(address(0), delegates(_to), _tokenId);
        // Add NFT. Throws if `_tokenId` is owned by someone
        _addTokenTo(_to, _tokenId);
        emit Transfer(address(0), _to, _tokenId);
        return true;

    /// @dev Remove a NFT from an index mapping to a given address
    /// @param _from address of the sender
    /// @param _tokenId uint ID Of the token to be removed
    function _removeTokenFromOwnerList(address _from, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        // Delete
        uint256 current_count = _balance(_from) - 1;
        uint256 current_index = tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId];

        if (current_count == current_index) {
            // update ownerToNFTokenIdList
            ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count] = 0;
            // update tokenToOwnerIndex
            tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId] = 0;
        } else {
            uint256 lastTokenId = ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count];

            // Add
            // update ownerToNFTokenIdList
            ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_index] = lastTokenId;
            // update tokenToOwnerIndex
            tokenToOwnerIndex[lastTokenId] = current_index;

            // Delete
            // update ownerToNFTokenIdList
            ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count] = 0;
            // update tokenToOwnerIndex
            tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId] = 0;

    /// @dev Remove a NFT from a given address
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    function _removeTokenFrom(address _from, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        // Throws if `_from` is not the current owner
        assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == _from);
        // Change the owner
        idToOwner[_tokenId] = address(0);
        // Update owner token index tracking
        _removeTokenFromOwnerList(_from, _tokenId);
        // Change count tracking
        ownerToNFTokenCount[_from] -= 1;

    function _burn(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        if (!_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId)) {
            revert NotApprovedOrOwner();

        address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);

        // Clear approval
        approve(address(0), _tokenId);
        // Clear voting approval
        approveVoting(address(0), _tokenId);
        // checkpoint for gov
        _moveTokenDelegates(delegates(owner), address(0), _tokenId);
        // Remove token
        //_removeTokenFrom(msg.sender, _tokenId);
        _removeTokenFrom(owner, _tokenId);

        emit Transfer(owner, address(0), _tokenId);

                             ESCROW STORAGE

    mapping(uint256 => uint256) public user_point_epoch;
    mapping(uint256 => Point[1_000_000_000]) public user_point_history; // user -> Point[user_epoch]
    mapping(uint256 => LockedBalance) public locked;
    uint256 public epoch;
    mapping(uint256 => int128) public slope_changes; // time -> signed slope change
    uint256 public supply;

    uint256 internal constant WEEK = 1 weeks;
    uint256 internal constant MAXTIME = 52 weeks;
    int128 internal constant iMAXTIME = 52 weeks;
    uint256 internal constant MULTIPLIER = 1 ether;

                              ESCROW LOGIC

    /// @notice Get the most recently recorded rate of voting power decrease for `_tokenId`
    /// @param _tokenId token of the NFT
    /// @return Value of the slope
    function get_last_user_slope(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (int128) {
        uint256 uepoch = user_point_epoch[_tokenId];
        return user_point_history[_tokenId][uepoch].slope;

    /// @notice Get the timestamp for checkpoint `_idx` for `_tokenId`
    /// @param _tokenId token of the NFT
    /// @param _idx User epoch number
    /// @return Epoch time of the checkpoint
    function user_point_history__ts(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _idx) external view returns (uint256) {
        return user_point_history[_tokenId][_idx].ts;

    /// @notice Get timestamp when `_tokenId`'s lock finishes
    /// @param _tokenId User NFT
    /// @return Epoch time of the lock end
    function locked__end(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256) {
        return locked[_tokenId].end;

    /// @notice Record global and per-user data to checkpoint
    /// @param _tokenId NFT token ID. No user checkpoint if 0
    /// @param old_locked Pevious locked amount / end lock time for the user
    /// @param new_locked New locked amount / end lock time for the user
    function _checkpoint(uint256 _tokenId, LockedBalance memory old_locked, LockedBalance memory new_locked) internal {
        Point memory u_old;
        Point memory u_new;
        int128 old_dslope = 0;
        int128 new_dslope = 0;
        uint256 _epoch = epoch;

        if (_tokenId != 0) {
            // Calculate slopes and biases
            // Kept at zero when they have to
            if (old_locked.end > block.timestamp && old_locked.amount > 0) {
                u_old.slope = old_locked.amount / iMAXTIME;
                u_old.bias = u_old.slope * int128(int256(old_locked.end - block.timestamp));
            if (new_locked.end > block.timestamp && new_locked.amount > 0) {
                u_new.slope = new_locked.amount / iMAXTIME;
                u_new.bias = u_new.slope * int128(int256(new_locked.end - block.timestamp));

            // Read values of scheduled changes in the slope
            // old_locked.end can be in the past and in the future
            // new_locked.end can ONLY by in the FUTURE unless everything expired: than zeros
            old_dslope = slope_changes[old_locked.end];
            if (new_locked.end != 0) {
                if (new_locked.end == old_locked.end) {
                    new_dslope = old_dslope;
                } else {
                    new_dslope = slope_changes[new_locked.end];

        Point memory last_point = Point({ bias: 0, slope: 0, ts: block.timestamp, blk: block.number });
        if (_epoch > 0) {
            last_point = point_history[_epoch];
        uint256 last_checkpoint = last_point.ts;
        // initial_last_point is used for extrapolation to calculate block number
        // (approximately, for *At methods) and save them
        // as we cannot figure that out exactly from inside the contract
        Point memory initial_last_point = last_point;
        uint256 block_slope = 0; // dblock/dt
        if (block.timestamp > last_point.ts) {
            block_slope = (MULTIPLIER * (block.number - last_point.blk)) / (block.timestamp - last_point.ts);
        // If last point is already recorded in this block, slope=0
        // But that's ok b/c we know the block in such case

        // Go over weeks to fill history and calculate what the current point is
            uint256 t_i = (last_checkpoint / WEEK) * WEEK;
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {
                // Hopefully it won't happen that this won't get used in 5 years!
                // If it does, users will be able to withdraw but vote weight will be broken
                t_i += WEEK;
                int128 d_slope = 0;
                if (t_i > block.timestamp) {
                    t_i = block.timestamp;
                } else {
                    d_slope = slope_changes[t_i];
                last_point.bias -= last_point.slope * int128(int256(t_i - last_checkpoint));
                last_point.slope += d_slope;
                if (last_point.bias < 0) {
                    // This can happen
                    last_point.bias = 0;
                if (last_point.slope < 0) {
                    // This cannot happen - just in case
                    last_point.slope = 0;
                last_checkpoint = t_i;
                last_point.ts = t_i;
                last_point.blk = initial_last_point.blk + (block_slope * (t_i - initial_last_point.ts)) / MULTIPLIER;
                _epoch += 1;
                if (t_i == block.timestamp) {
                    last_point.blk = block.number;
                } else {
                    point_history[_epoch] = last_point;

        epoch = _epoch;
        // Now point_history is filled until t=now

        if (_tokenId != 0) {
            // If last point was in this block, the slope change has been applied already
            // But in such case we have 0 slope(s)
            last_point.slope += (u_new.slope - u_old.slope);
            last_point.bias += (u_new.bias - u_old.bias);
            if (last_point.slope < 0) {
                last_point.slope = 0;
            if (last_point.bias < 0) {
                last_point.bias = 0;

        // Record the changed point into history
        point_history[_epoch] = last_point;

        if (_tokenId != 0) {
            // Schedule the slope changes (slope is going down)
            // We subtract new_user_slope from [new_locked.end]
            // and add old_user_slope to [old_locked.end]
            if (old_locked.end > block.timestamp) {
                // old_dslope was <something> - u_old.slope, so we cancel that
                old_dslope += u_old.slope;
                if (new_locked.end == old_locked.end) {
                    old_dslope -= u_new.slope; // It was a new deposit, not extension
                slope_changes[old_locked.end] = old_dslope;

            if (new_locked.end > block.timestamp) {
                if (new_locked.end > old_locked.end) {
                    new_dslope -= u_new.slope; // old slope disappeared at this point
                    slope_changes[new_locked.end] = new_dslope;
                // else: we recorded it already in old_dslope
            // Now handle user history
            uint256 user_epoch = user_point_epoch[_tokenId] + 1;

            user_point_epoch[_tokenId] = user_epoch;
            u_new.ts = block.timestamp;
            u_new.blk = block.number;
            user_point_history[_tokenId][user_epoch] = u_new;

    /// @notice Deposit and lock tokens for a user
    /// @param _tokenId NFT that holds lock
    /// @param _value Amount to deposit
    /// @param unlock_time New time when to unlock the tokens, or 0 if unchanged
    /// @param locked_balance Previous locked amount / timestamp
    /// @param deposit_type The type of deposit
    function _deposit_for(
        uint256 _tokenId,
        uint256 _value,
        uint256 unlock_time,
        LockedBalance memory locked_balance,
        DepositType deposit_type
    ) internal {
        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked_balance;
        uint256 supply_before = supply;

        supply = supply_before + _value;
        LockedBalance memory old_locked;
        (old_locked.amount, old_locked.end) = (_locked.amount, _locked.end);
        // Adding to existing lock, or if a lock is expired - creating a new one
        _locked.amount += int128(int256(_value));
        if (unlock_time != 0) {
            _locked.end = unlock_time;
        locked[_tokenId] = _locked;

        // Possibilities:
        // Both old_locked.end could be current or expired (>/< block.timestamp)
        // value == 0 (extend lock) or value > 0 (add to lock or extend lock)
        // _locked.end > block.timestamp (always)
        _checkpoint(_tokenId, old_locked, _locked);

        address from = msg.sender;
        if (_value != 0 && deposit_type != DepositType.MERGE_TYPE && deposit_type != DepositType.SPLIT_TYPE) {
            assert(IERC20(token).transferFrom(from, address(this), _value));

        emit Deposit(from, _tokenId, _value, _locked.end, deposit_type, block.timestamp);
        emit Supply(supply_before, supply_before + _value);

    function block_number() external view returns (uint256) {
        return block.number;

    /// @notice Record global data to checkpoint
    function checkpoint() external {
        _checkpoint(0, LockedBalance(0, 0), LockedBalance(0, 0));

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `_tokenId` and add to the lock
    /// @dev Anyone (even a smart contract) can deposit for someone else, but
    ///      cannot extend their locktime and deposit for a brand new user
    /// @param _tokenId lock NFT
    /// @param _value Amount to add to user's lock
    function deposit_for(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _value) external nonreentrant {
        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];

        require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value
        if (_locked.amount == 0) {
            revert NoLock();
        if (_locked.end <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockExpired();
        _deposit_for(_tokenId, _value, 0, _locked, DepositType.DEPOSIT_FOR_TYPE);

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `_to` and lock for `_lock_duration`
    /// @param _value Amount to deposit
    /// @param _lock_duration Number of seconds to lock tokens for (rounded down to nearest week)
    /// @param _to Address to deposit
    function _create_lock(uint256 _value, uint256 _lock_duration, address _to) internal returns (uint256) {
        uint256 unlock_time = (block.timestamp + _lock_duration) / WEEK * WEEK; // Locktime is rounded down to weeks

        require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value
        if (unlock_time <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockInFuture();
        if (unlock_time > block.timestamp + MAXTIME) {
            revert LockTooLong();

        uint256 _tokenId = tokenId;
        _mint(_to, _tokenId);

        _deposit_for(_tokenId, _value, unlock_time, locked[_tokenId], DepositType.CREATE_LOCK_TYPE);
        return _tokenId;

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `msg.sender` and lock for `_lock_duration`
    /// @param _value Amount to deposit
    /// @param _lock_duration Number of seconds to lock tokens for (rounded down to nearest week)
    function create_lock(uint256 _value, uint256 _lock_duration) external nonreentrant returns (uint256) {
        return _create_lock(_value, _lock_duration, msg.sender);

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `_to` and lock for `_lock_duration`
    /// @param _value Amount to deposit
    /// @param _lock_duration Number of seconds to lock tokens for (rounded down to nearest week)
    /// @param _to Address to deposit
    function create_lock_for(uint256 _value, uint256 _lock_duration, address _to)
        returns (uint256)
        return _create_lock(_value, _lock_duration, _to);

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` additional tokens for `_tokenId` without modifying the unlock time
    /// @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit and add to the lock
    function increase_amount(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _value) external nonreentrant {
        assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));

        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];

        assert(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value
        if (_locked.amount == 0) {
            revert NoLock();
        if (_locked.end <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockExpired();

        _deposit_for(_tokenId, _value, 0, _locked, DepositType.INCREASE_LOCK_AMOUNT);

    /// @notice Extend the unlock time for `_tokenId`
    /// @param _lock_duration New number of seconds until tokens unlock
    function increase_unlock_time(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _lock_duration) external nonreentrant {
        assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));

        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
        uint256 unlock_time = (block.timestamp + _lock_duration) / WEEK * WEEK; // Locktime is rounded down to weeks

        if (_locked.end <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockExpired();
        if (_locked.amount == 0) {
            revert NoLock();
        if (unlock_time <= _locked.end) {
            revert LockInFuture();
        if (unlock_time > block.timestamp + MAXTIME) {
            revert LockTooLong();

        _deposit_for(_tokenId, 0, unlock_time, _locked, DepositType.INCREASE_UNLOCK_TIME);

    /// @notice Withdraw all tokens for `_tokenId`
    /// @dev Only possible if the lock has expired
    function withdraw(uint256 _tokenId) external nonreentrant {
        assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));
        if (attachments[_tokenId] != 0 || voted[_tokenId]) {
            revert AlreadyAttached();

        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
        if (block.timestamp < _locked.end) {
            revert LockExpired();
        uint256 value = uint256(int256(_locked.amount));

        locked[_tokenId] = LockedBalance(0, 0);
        uint256 supply_before = supply;
        supply = supply_before - value;

        // old_locked can have either expired <= timestamp or zero end
        // _locked has only 0 end
        // Both can have >= 0 amount
        _checkpoint(_tokenId, _locked, LockedBalance(0, 0));

        assert(IERC20(token).transfer(msg.sender, value));

        // Burn the NFT

        emit Withdraw(msg.sender, _tokenId, value, block.timestamp);
        emit Supply(supply_before, supply_before - value);

                           GAUGE VOTING STORAGE

    // The following ERC20/minime-compatible methods are not real balanceOf and supply!
    // They measure the weights for the purpose of voting, so they don't represent
    // real coins.

    /// @notice Binary search to estimate timestamp for block number
    /// @param _block Block to find
    /// @param max_epoch Don't go beyond this epoch
    /// @return Approximate timestamp for block
    function _find_block_epoch(uint256 _block, uint256 max_epoch) internal view returns (uint256) {
        // Binary search
        uint256 _min = 0;
        uint256 _max = max_epoch;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
            // Will be always enough for 128-bit numbers
            if (_min >= _max) {
            uint256 _mid = (_min + _max + 1) / 2;
            if (point_history[_mid].blk <= _block) {
                _min = _mid;
            } else {
                _max = _mid - 1;
        return _min;

    /// @notice Get the current voting power for `_tokenId`
    /// @dev Adheres to the ERC20 `balanceOf` interface for Aragon compatibility
    /// @param _tokenId NFT for lock
    /// @param _t Epoch time to return voting power at
    /// @return User voting power
    function _balanceOfNFT(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _t) internal view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 _epoch = user_point_epoch[_tokenId];
        if (_epoch == 0) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            Point memory last_point = user_point_history[_tokenId][_epoch];
            last_point.bias -= last_point.slope * int128(int256(_t) - int256(last_point.ts));
            if (last_point.bias < 0) {
                last_point.bias = 0;
            return uint256(int256(last_point.bias));

    function balanceOfNFT(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256) {
        if (ownership_change[_tokenId] == block.number) return 0;
        return _balanceOfNFT(_tokenId, block.timestamp);

    function balanceOfNFTAt(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _t) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _balanceOfNFT(_tokenId, _t);

    /// @notice Measure voting power of `_tokenId` at block height `_block`
    /// @dev Adheres to MiniMe `balanceOfAt` interface:
    /// @param _tokenId User's wallet NFT
    /// @param _block Block to calculate the voting power at
    /// @return Voting power
    function _balanceOfAtNFT(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _block) internal view returns (uint256) {
        // Copying and pasting totalSupply code because Vyper cannot pass by
        // reference yet
        assert(_block <= block.number);

        // Binary search
        uint256 _min = 0;
        uint256 _max = user_point_epoch[_tokenId];
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
            // Will be always enough for 128-bit numbers
            if (_min >= _max) {
            uint256 _mid = (_min + _max + 1) / 2;
            if (user_point_history[_tokenId][_mid].blk <= _block) {
                _min = _mid;
            } else {
                _max = _mid - 1;

        Point memory upoint = user_point_history[_tokenId][_min];

        uint256 max_epoch = epoch;
        uint256 _epoch = _find_block_epoch(_block, max_epoch);
        Point memory point_0 = point_history[_epoch];
        uint256 d_block = 0;
        uint256 d_t = 0;
        if (_epoch < max_epoch) {
            Point memory point_1 = point_history[_epoch + 1];
            d_block = point_1.blk - point_0.blk;
            d_t = point_1.ts - point_0.ts;
        } else {
            d_block = block.number - point_0.blk;
            d_t = block.timestamp - point_0.ts;
        uint256 block_time = point_0.ts;
        if (d_block != 0) {
            block_time += (d_t * (_block - point_0.blk)) / d_block;

        upoint.bias -= upoint.slope * int128(int256(block_time - upoint.ts));
        if (upoint.bias >= 0) {
            return uint256(uint128(upoint.bias));
        } else {
            return 0;

    function balanceOfAtNFT(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _block) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _balanceOfAtNFT(_tokenId, _block);

    /// @notice Calculate total voting power at some point in the past
    /// @param _block Block to calculate the total voting power at
    /// @return Total voting power at `_block`
    function totalSupplyAt(uint256 _block) external view returns (uint256) {
        assert(_block <= block.number);
        uint256 _epoch = epoch;
        uint256 target_epoch = _find_block_epoch(_block, _epoch);

        Point memory point = point_history[target_epoch];
        uint256 dt = 0;
        if (target_epoch < _epoch) {
            Point memory point_next = point_history[target_epoch + 1];
            if (point.blk != point_next.blk) {
                dt = ((_block - point.blk) * (point_next.ts - point.ts)) / (point_next.blk - point.blk);
        } else {
            if (point.blk != block.number) {
                dt = ((_block - point.blk) * (block.timestamp - point.ts)) / (block.number - point.blk);
        // Now dt contains info on how far are we beyond point
        return _supply_at(point, point.ts + dt);
    /// @notice Calculate total voting power at some point in the past
    /// @param point The point (bias/slope) to start search from
    /// @param t Time to calculate the total voting power at
    /// @return Total voting power at that time

    function _supply_at(Point memory point, uint256 t) internal view returns (uint256) {
        Point memory last_point = point;
        uint256 t_i = (last_point.ts / WEEK) * WEEK;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {
            t_i += WEEK;
            int128 d_slope = 0;
            if (t_i > t) {
                t_i = t;
            } else {
                d_slope = slope_changes[t_i];
            last_point.bias -= last_point.slope * int128(int256(t_i - last_point.ts));
            if (t_i == t) {
            last_point.slope += d_slope;
            last_point.ts = t_i;

        if (last_point.bias < 0) {
            last_point.bias = 0;
        return uint256(uint128(last_point.bias));

    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256) {
        return totalSupplyAtT(block.timestamp);

    /// @notice Calculate total voting power
    /// @dev Adheres to the ERC20 `totalSupply` interface for Aragon compatibility
    /// @return Total voting power
    function totalSupplyAtT(uint256 t) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 _epoch = epoch;
        Point memory last_point = point_history[_epoch];
        return _supply_at(last_point, t);

                            GAUGE VOTING LOGIC

    mapping(uint256 => uint256) public attachments;
    mapping(uint256 => bool) public voted;

    function setVoter(address _voter) external {
        require(msg.sender == team);
        voter = _voter;

    function voting(uint256 _tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);
        voted[_tokenId] = true;

    function abstain(uint256 _tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);
        voted[_tokenId] = false;

    function attach(uint256 _tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);
        attachments[_tokenId] = attachments[_tokenId] + 1;

    function detach(uint256 _tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);
        attachments[_tokenId] = attachments[_tokenId] - 1;

    function merge(uint256 _from, uint256 _to) external {
        if (attachments[_from] != 0 || voted[_from]) {
            revert AlreadyAttached();
        require(_from != _to);
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _from));
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _to));

        LockedBalance memory _locked0 = locked[_from];
        LockedBalance memory _locked1 = locked[_to];
        uint256 value0 = uint256(int256(_locked0.amount));
        uint256 end = _locked0.end >= _locked1.end ? _locked0.end : _locked1.end;

        locked[_from] = LockedBalance(0, 0);
        _checkpoint(_from, _locked0, LockedBalance(0, 0));
        _deposit_for(_to, value0, end, _locked1, DepositType.MERGE_TYPE);

     * @notice split NFT into multiple
     * @param amounts   % of split
     * @param _tokenId  NFTs ID
    function split(uint256[] memory amounts, uint256 _tokenId) external {
        // check permission and vote
        if (attachments[_tokenId] != 0 || voted[_tokenId]) {
            revert AlreadyAttached();
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));

        // save old data and totalWeight
        address _to = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
        uint256 end = _locked.end;
        uint256 value = uint256(int256(_locked.amount));
        require(value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

        // reset supply, _deposit_for increase it
        supply = supply - value;

        uint256 i;
        uint256 totalWeight = 0;
        uint256 length = amounts.length;
        for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            totalWeight += amounts[i];

        // remove old data
        locked[_tokenId] = LockedBalance(0, 0);
        _checkpoint(_tokenId, _locked, LockedBalance(0, 0));

        // save end
        uint256 unlock_time = end;
        if (unlock_time <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockInFuture();
        if (unlock_time > block.timestamp + MAXTIME) {
            revert LockTooLong();

        // mint
        uint256 _value = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            _tokenId = tokenId;
            _mint(_to, _tokenId);
            _value = value * amounts[i] / totalWeight;
            _deposit_for(_tokenId, _value, unlock_time, locked[_tokenId], DepositType.SPLIT_TYPE);

                            DAO VOTING STORAGE

    /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain
    bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH =
        keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)");

    /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract
    bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH =
        keccak256("Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)");

    /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate
    mapping(address => address) private _delegates;
    uint256 public constant MAX_DELEGATES = 1024; // avoid too much gas

    /// @notice A record of delegated token checkpoints for each account, by index
    mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints;

    /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account
    mapping(address => uint32) public numCheckpoints;

    /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures
    mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;

     * @notice Overrides the standard `Comp.sol` delegates mapping to return
     * the delegator's own address if they haven't delegated.
     * This avoids having to delegate to oneself.
    function delegates(address delegator) public view returns (address) {
        address current = _delegates[delegator];
        return current == address(0) ? delegator : current;

     * @notice Gets the current votes balance for `account`
     * @param account The address to get votes balance
     * @return The number of current votes for `account`
    function getVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256) {
        uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account];
        if (nCheckpoints == 0) {
            return 0;
        uint256[] storage _tokenIds = checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].tokenIds;
        uint256 votes = 0;
        uint256 length = _tokenIds.length;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            uint256 tId = _tokenIds[i];
            votes = votes + _balanceOfNFT(tId, block.timestamp);
        return votes;

    function getPastVotesIndex(address account, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint32) {
        uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account];
        if (nCheckpoints == 0) {
            return 0;
        // First check most recent balance
        if (checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].timestamp <= timestamp) {
            return (nCheckpoints - 1);

        // Next check implicit zero balance
        if (checkpoints[account][0].timestamp > timestamp) {
            return 0;

        uint32 lower = 0;
        uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1;
        while (upper > lower) {
            uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow
            Checkpoint storage cp = checkpoints[account][center];
            if (cp.timestamp == timestamp) {
                return center;
            } else if (cp.timestamp < timestamp) {
                lower = center;
            } else {
                upper = center - 1;
        return lower;

    function getPastVotes(address account, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint32 _checkIndex = getPastVotesIndex(account, timestamp);
        // Sum votes
        uint256[] storage _tokenIds = checkpoints[account][_checkIndex].tokenIds;
        uint256 votes = 0;
        uint256 length = _tokenIds.length;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            uint256 tId = _tokenIds[i];
            // Use the provided input timestamp here to get the right decay
            votes = votes + _balanceOfNFT(tId, timestamp);
        return votes;

    function getPastTotalSupply(uint256 timestamp) external view returns (uint256) {
        return totalSupplyAtT(timestamp);

                             DAO VOTING LOGIC

    function _moveTokenDelegates(address srcRep, address dstRep, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        if (srcRep != dstRep && _tokenId > 0) {
            if (srcRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep];
                uint256[] storage srcRepOld =
                    srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].tokenIds : checkpoints[srcRep][0].tokenIds;
                uint32 nextSrcRepNum = _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(srcRep);
                uint256[] storage srcRepNew = checkpoints[srcRep][nextSrcRepNum].tokenIds;
                // All the same except _tokenId
                uint256 length = srcRepOld.length;
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = srcRepOld[i];
                    if (tId != _tokenId) {

                numCheckpoints[srcRep] = srcRepNum + 1;

            if (dstRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep];
                uint256[] storage dstRepOld =
                    dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].tokenIds : checkpoints[dstRep][0].tokenIds;
                uint32 nextDstRepNum = _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(dstRep);
                uint256[] storage dstRepNew = checkpoints[dstRep][nextDstRepNum].tokenIds;
                // All the same plus _tokenId
                if (dstRepOld.length + 1 > MAX_DELEGATES) {
                    revert TooManyDelegates();
                uint256 length = dstRepOld.length;
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = dstRepOld[i];

                numCheckpoints[dstRep] = dstRepNum + 1;

    function _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(address account) internal view returns (uint32) {
        uint256 _timestamp = block.timestamp;
        uint32 _nCheckPoints = numCheckpoints[account];

        if (_nCheckPoints > 0 && checkpoints[account][_nCheckPoints - 1].timestamp == _timestamp) {
            return _nCheckPoints - 1;
        } else {
            return _nCheckPoints;

    function _moveAllDelegates(address owner, address srcRep, address dstRep) internal {
        // You can only redelegate what you own
        if (srcRep != dstRep) {
            if (srcRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep];
                uint256[] storage srcRepOld =
                    srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].tokenIds : checkpoints[srcRep][0].tokenIds;
                uint32 nextSrcRepNum = _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(srcRep);
                uint256[] storage srcRepNew = checkpoints[srcRep][nextSrcRepNum].tokenIds;
                // All the same except what owner owns
                uint256 length = srcRepOld.length;
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = srcRepOld[i];
                    if (idToOwner[tId] != owner) {

                numCheckpoints[srcRep] = srcRepNum + 1;

            if (dstRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep];
                uint256[] storage dstRepOld =
                    dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].tokenIds : checkpoints[dstRep][0].tokenIds;
                uint32 nextDstRepNum = _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(dstRep);
                uint256[] storage dstRepNew = checkpoints[dstRep][nextDstRepNum].tokenIds;
                uint256 ownerTokenCount = ownerToNFTokenCount[owner];
                if (dstRepOld.length + ownerTokenCount > MAX_DELEGATES) {
                    revert TooManyDelegates();
                // All the same
                uint256 length = dstRepOld.length;
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = dstRepOld[i];
                // Plus all that's owned
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < ownerTokenCount; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = ownerToNFTokenIdList[owner][i];

                numCheckpoints[dstRep] = dstRepNum + 1;

    function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal {
        /// @notice differs from `_delegate()` in `Comp.sol` to use `delegates` override method to simulate
        /// auto-delegation
        address currentDelegate = delegates(delegator);

        _delegates[delegator] = delegatee;

        emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee);
        _moveAllDelegates(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee);

     * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee`
     * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to
    function delegate(address delegatee) public {
        if (delegatee == address(0)) delegatee = msg.sender;
        return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee);

    function delegateBySig(address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public {
        require(delegatee != msg.sender);
        require(delegatee != address(0));

        bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256(
            abi.encode(DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name)), keccak256(bytes(version)), block.chainid, address(this))
        bytes32 structHash = keccak256(abi.encode(DELEGATION_TYPEHASH, delegatee, nonce, expiry));
        bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", domainSeparator, structHash));
        address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s);
        if (signatory == address(0)) {
            revert InvalidSignature();
        if (nonce != nonces[signatory]++) {
            revert InvalidNonce();
        if (block.timestamp > expiry) {
            revert SignatureExpired();
        return _delegate(signatory, delegatee);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC721/extensions/IERC721Metadata.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import {IERC721} from "../IERC721.sol";

 * @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional metadata extension
 * @dev See
interface IERC721Metadata is IERC721 {
     * @dev Returns the token collection name.
    function name() external view returns (string memory);

     * @dev Returns the token collection symbol.
    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);

     * @dev Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for `tokenId` token.
    function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (string memory);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (governance/utils/IVotes.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

 * @dev Common interface for {ERC20Votes}, {ERC721Votes}, and other {Votes}-enabled contracts.
interface IVotes {
     * @dev The signature used has expired.
    error VotesExpiredSignature(uint256 expiry);

     * @dev Emitted when an account changes their delegate.
    event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate);

     * @dev Emitted when a token transfer or delegate change results in changes to a delegate's number of voting units.
    event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint256 previousVotes, uint256 newVotes);

     * @dev Returns the current amount of votes that `account` has.
    function getVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the amount of votes that `account` had at a specific moment in the past. If the `clock()` is
     * configured to use block numbers, this will return the value at the end of the corresponding block.
    function getPastVotes(address account, uint256 timepoint) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the total supply of votes available at a specific moment in the past. If the `clock()` is
     * configured to use block numbers, this will return the value at the end of the corresponding block.
     * NOTE: This value is the sum of all available votes, which is not necessarily the sum of all delegated votes.
     * Votes that have not been delegated are still part of total supply, even though they would not participate in a
     * vote.
    function getPastTotalSupply(uint256 timepoint) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the delegate that `account` has chosen.
    function delegates(address account) external view returns (address);

     * @dev Delegates votes from the sender to `delegatee`.
    function delegate(address delegatee) external;

     * @dev Delegates votes from signer to `delegatee`.
    function delegateBySig(address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

 * @title ERC721 token receiver interface
 * @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers
 * from ERC721 asset contracts.
interface IERC721Receiver {
     * @dev Whenever an {IERC721} `tokenId` token is transferred to this contract via {IERC721-safeTransferFrom}
     * by `operator` from `from`, this function is called.
     * It must return its Solidity selector to confirm the token transfer.
     * If any other value is returned or the interface is not implemented by the recipient, the transfer will be
     * reverted.
     * The selector can be obtained in Solidity with `IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received.selector`.
    function onERC721Received(
        address operator,
        address from,
        uint256 tokenId,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bytes4);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

 * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
interface IERC20 {
     * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
     * another (`to`).
     * Note that `value` may be zero.
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

     * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
     * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);

     * @dev Returns the value of tokens in existence.
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the value of tokens owned by `account`.
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from the caller's account to `to`.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

     * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
     * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
     * zero by default.
     * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Sets a `value` amount of tokens as the allowance of `spender` over the
     * caller's tokens.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
     * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
     * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
     * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
     * desired value afterwards:
     * Emits an {Approval} event.
    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

     * @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from `from` to `to` using the
     * allowance mechanism. `value` is then deducted from the caller's
     * allowance.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

interface IVeArtProxy {
    function _tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _balanceOf, uint256 _locked_end, uint256 _value)
        returns (string memory output);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

interface IVotingEscrow {
    struct Point {
        int128 bias;
        int128 slope; // # -dweight / dt
        uint256 ts;
        uint256 blk; // block

    struct LockedBalance {
        int128 amount;
        uint256 end;

    function create_lock_for(uint256 _value, uint256 _lock_duration, address _to) external returns (uint256);

    function locked(uint256 id) external view returns (LockedBalance memory);
    function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address _owner, uint256 _tokenIndex) external view returns (uint256);

    function token() external view returns (address);
    function team() external returns (address);
    function epoch() external view returns (uint256);
    function point_history(uint256 loc) external view returns (Point memory);
    function user_point_history(uint256 tokenId, uint256 loc) external view returns (Point memory);
    function user_point_epoch(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256);

    function ownerOf(uint256) external view returns (address);
    function isApprovedOrOwner(address, uint256) external view returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external;

    function isVotingApprovedOrOwner(address, uint256) external view returns (bool);
    function delegateVotingControl(address, uint256) external;

    function voted(uint256) external view returns (bool);
    function attachments(uint256) external view returns (uint256);
    function voting(uint256 tokenId) external;
    function abstain(uint256 tokenId) external;
    function attach(uint256 tokenId) external;
    function detach(uint256 tokenId) external;

    function checkpoint() external;
    function deposit_for(uint256 tokenId, uint256 value) external;

    function balanceOfNFT(uint256 _id) external view returns (uint256);
    function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256);
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function supply() external view returns (uint256);

    function decimals() external view returns (uint8);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC721/IERC721.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import {IERC165} from "../../utils/introspection/IERC165.sol";

 * @dev Required interface of an ERC721 compliant contract.
interface IERC721 is IERC165 {
     * @dev Emitted when `tokenId` token is transferred from `from` to `to`.
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);

     * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables `approved` to manage the `tokenId` token.
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId);

     * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables or disables (`approved`) `operator` to manage all of its assets.
    event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);

     * @dev Returns the number of tokens in ``owner``'s account.
    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);

     * @dev Returns the owner of the `tokenId` token.
     * Requirements:
     * - `tokenId` must exist.
    function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address owner);

     * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`.
     * Requirements:
     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`.
     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon
     *   a safe transfer.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes calldata data) external;

     * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`, checking first that contract recipients
     * are aware of the ERC721 protocol to prevent tokens from being forever locked.
     * Requirements:
     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`.
     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must have been allowed to move this token by either {approve} or
     *   {setApprovalForAll}.
     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon
     *   a safe transfer.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) external;

     * @dev Transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`.
     * WARNING: Note that the caller is responsible to confirm that the recipient is capable of receiving ERC721
     * or else they may be permanently lost. Usage of {safeTransferFrom} prevents loss, though the caller must
     * understand this adds an external call which potentially creates a reentrancy vulnerability.
     * Requirements:
     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `tokenId` token must be owned by `from`.
     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) external;

     * @dev Gives permission to `to` to transfer `tokenId` token to another account.
     * The approval is cleared when the token is transferred.
     * Only a single account can be approved at a time, so approving the zero address clears previous approvals.
     * Requirements:
     * - The caller must own the token or be an approved operator.
     * - `tokenId` must exist.
     * Emits an {Approval} event.
    function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) external;

     * @dev Approve or remove `operator` as an operator for the caller.
     * Operators can call {transferFrom} or {safeTransferFrom} for any token owned by the caller.
     * Requirements:
     * - The `operator` cannot be the address zero.
     * Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event.
    function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) external;

     * @dev Returns the account approved for `tokenId` token.
     * Requirements:
     * - `tokenId` must exist.
    function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address operator);

     * @dev Returns if the `operator` is allowed to manage all of the assets of `owner`.
     * See {setApprovalForAll}
    function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) external view returns (bool);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (utils/introspection/IERC165.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

 * @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the
 * Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be
 * queried by others ({ERC165Checker}).
 * For an implementation, see {ERC165}.
interface IERC165 {
     * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by
     * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding
     *[EIP section]
     * to learn more about how these ids are created.
     * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);

Contract Name:

Contract Source Code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

import { IERC721, IERC721Metadata } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/IERC721Metadata.sol";
import { IVotes } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/utils/IVotes.sol";
import { IERC721Receiver } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol";
import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import { IVeArtProxy } from "./interfaces/IVeArtProxy.sol";
import { IVotingEscrow } from "./interfaces/IVotingEscrow.sol";

/// @title Voting Escrow
/// @notice veNFT implementation that escrows ERC-20 tokens in the form of an ERC-721 NFT
/// @notice Votes have a weight depending on time, so that users are committed to the future of (whatever they are
/// voting for)
/// @author Modified from Thena (
/// @author Modified from Solidly (
/// @author Modified from Curve (
/// @author Modified from Nouns DAO
/// (
/// @dev Vote weight decays linearly over time. Lock time cannot be more than `MAXTIME` (2 years).
contract VotingEscrow is IERC721Metadata, IVotes {
    enum DepositType {

    struct LockedBalance {
        int128 amount;
        uint256 end;

    struct Point {
        int128 bias;
        int128 slope; // # -dweight / dt
        uint256 ts;
        uint256 blk; // block
    /* We cannot really do block numbers per se b/c slope is per time, not per block
     * and per block could be fairly bad b/c Ethereum changes blocktimes.
     * What we can do is to extrapolate ***At functions */

    /// @notice A checkpoint for marking delegated tokenIds from a given timestamp
    struct Checkpoint {
        uint256 timestamp;
        uint256[] tokenIds;


    event Deposit(
        address indexed provider,
        uint256 tokenId,
        uint256 value,
        uint256 indexed locktime,
        DepositType deposit_type,
        uint256 ts
    event Withdraw(address indexed provider, uint256 tokenId, uint256 value, uint256 ts);
    event Supply(uint256 prevSupply, uint256 supply);
    event VotingApproval(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, uint256 indexed tokenId);
    event VotingApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);


    error NotToken();
    error AlreadyAttached();
    error NotApprovedOrOwner();
    error NoLock();
    error LockExpired();
    error LockInFuture();
    error LockTooLong();
    error TooManyDelegates();
    error InvalidSignature();
    error InvalidNonce();
    error SignatureExpired();


    address public immutable token;
    address public voter;
    address public team;
    address public artProxy;

    mapping(uint256 => Point) public point_history; // epoch -> unsigned point

    /// @dev Mapping of interface id to bool about whether or not it's supported
    mapping(bytes4 => bool) internal supportedInterfaces;

    /// @dev ERC165 interface ID of ERC165
    bytes4 internal constant ERC165_INTERFACE_ID = 0x01ffc9a7;

    /// @dev ERC165 interface ID of ERC721
    bytes4 internal constant ERC721_INTERFACE_ID = 0x80ac58cd;

    /// @dev ERC165 interface ID of ERC721Metadata
    bytes4 internal constant ERC721_METADATA_INTERFACE_ID = 0x5b5e139f;

    /// @dev Current count of token
    uint256 internal tokenId;

    /// @notice Contract constructor
    /// @param token_addr `THENA` token address
    constructor(address token_addr, address art_proxy) {
        token = token_addr;
        team = msg.sender;
        artProxy = art_proxy;

        point_history[0].blk = block.number;
        point_history[0].ts = block.timestamp;

        supportedInterfaces[ERC165_INTERFACE_ID] = true;
        supportedInterfaces[ERC721_INTERFACE_ID] = true;
        supportedInterfaces[ERC721_METADATA_INTERFACE_ID] = true;

        // mint-ish
        emit Transfer(address(0), address(this), tokenId);
        // burn-ish
        emit Transfer(address(this), address(0), tokenId);


    /// @dev reentrancy guard
    uint8 internal constant _not_entered = 1;
    uint8 internal constant _entered = 2;
    uint8 internal _entered_state = 1;

    modifier nonreentrant() {
        require(_entered_state == _not_entered);
        _entered_state = _entered;
        _entered_state = _not_entered;

                             METADATA STORAGE

    string public constant name = "Rings veUSD";
    string public constant symbol = "veUSD";
    string public constant version = "1.0.0";
    uint8 public constant decimals = 6;

    function setTeam(address _team) external {
        require(msg.sender == team);
        team = _team;

    function setArtProxy(address _proxy) external {
        require(msg.sender == team);
        artProxy = _proxy;

    /// @dev Returns current token URI metadata
    /// @param _tokenId Token ID to fetch URI for.
    function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (string memory) {
        if (idToOwner[_tokenId] == address(0)) {
            revert NotToken();
        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
        return IVeArtProxy(artProxy)._tokenURI(
            _tokenId, _balanceOfNFT(_tokenId, block.timestamp), _locked.end, uint256(int256(_locked.amount))

                      ERC721 BALANCE/OWNER STORAGE

    /// @dev Mapping from NFT ID to the address that owns it.
    mapping(uint256 => address) internal idToOwner;

    /// @dev Mapping from owner address to count of his tokens.
    mapping(address => uint256) internal ownerToNFTokenCount;

    /// @dev Returns the address of the owner of the NFT.
    /// @param _tokenId The identifier for an NFT.
    function ownerOf(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (address) {
        return idToOwner[_tokenId];

    /// @dev Returns the number of NFTs owned by `_owner`.
    ///      Throws if `_owner` is the zero address. NFTs assigned to the zero address are considered invalid.
    /// @param _owner Address for whom to query the balance.
    function _balance(address _owner) internal view returns (uint256) {
        return ownerToNFTokenCount[_owner];

    /// @dev Returns the number of NFTs owned by `_owner`.
    ///      Throws if `_owner` is the zero address. NFTs assigned to the zero address are considered invalid.
    /// @param _owner Address for whom to query the balance.
    function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _balance(_owner);

                         VOTING APPROVAL STORAGE

    /// @dev Mapping from NFT ID to voting approved address.
    mapping(uint256 => address) internal idToVotingApprovals;

    /// @dev Mapping from owner address to mapping of voting operator addresses.
    mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) internal ownerToVotingOperators;

    /// @dev Get the voting approved address for a single NFT.
    /// @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to query the voting approval of.
    function getVotingApproved(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (address) {
        return idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId];

    /// @dev Checks if `_operator` is a voting approved operator for `_owner`.
    /// @param _owner The address that owns the NFTs.
    /// @param _operator The address that acts on behalf of the owner for voting.
    function isVotingApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator) external view returns (bool) {
        return (ownerToVotingOperators[_owner])[_operator];

    /// @dev Returns whether the given voter can vote a given token ID
    /// @param _voter address of the voter to query
    /// @param _tokenId uint ID of the token to be transferred
    /// @return bool whether the msg.sender is approved for the given token ID, is an operator of the owner, or is the
    /// owner of the token
    function _isVotingApprovedOrOwner(address _voter, uint256 _tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
        address owner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        bool voterIsOwner = owner == _voter;
        bool voterIsApproved = idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId] == _voter;
        bool voterIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToVotingOperators[owner])[_voter];
        bool isApproved = idToApprovals[_tokenId] == _voter;
        bool _isApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[_voter];

        return voterIsOwner || voterIsApproved || voterIsApprovedForAll || isApproved || _isApprovedForAll;

    function isVotingApprovedOrOwner(address _voter, uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool) {
        return _isVotingApprovedOrOwner(_voter, _tokenId);

                        VOTING APPROVAL LOGIC

    /// @dev Set or reaffirm the voting approved address for an NFT. The zero address indicates there is no voting
    /// approved address.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current NFT owner, or an authorized voting operator of the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    ///      Throws if `_approved` is the current owner. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    /// @param _approved Address to be approved for the given NFT ID.
    /// @param _tokenId ID of the token to be approved.
    function approveVoting(address _approved, uint256 _tokenId) public {
        address owner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        // Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT
        require(owner != address(0));
        // Throws if `_approved` is the current owner
        require(_approved != owner);
        // Check requirements
        bool senderIsOwner = (idToOwner[_tokenId] == msg.sender);
        bool senderIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[msg.sender];
        require(senderIsOwner || senderIsApprovedForAll);
        // Set the approval
        idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId] = _approved;
        emit VotingApproval(owner, _approved, _tokenId);

    /// @dev Enables or disables voting approval for a third party ("operator") to manage all of
    ///      `msg.sender`'s assets votes. It also emits the VotingApprovalForAll event.
    ///      Throws if `_operator` is the `msg.sender`. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    /// @notice This works even if sender doesn't own any tokens at the time.
    /// @param _operator Address to add to the set of authorized voting operators.
    /// @param _approved True if the voting operators is approved, false to revoke approval.
    function setVotingApprovalForAll(address _operator, bool _approved) external {
        // Throws if `_operator` is the `msg.sender`
        assert(_operator != msg.sender);
        ownerToVotingOperators[msg.sender][_operator] = _approved;
        emit VotingApprovalForAll(msg.sender, _operator, _approved);

    /// @dev Clear an approval of a given address. Caller should check beforehand if the sender is the owner.
    function _clearVotingApproval(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        if (idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId] != address(0)) {
            // Reset approvals
            idToVotingApprovals[_tokenId] = address(0);

                         ERC721 APPROVAL STORAGE

    /// @dev Mapping from NFT ID to approved address.
    mapping(uint256 => address) internal idToApprovals;

    /// @dev Mapping from owner address to mapping of operator addresses.
    mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) internal ownerToOperators;

    mapping(uint256 => uint256) public ownership_change;

    /// @dev Get the approved address for a single NFT.
    /// @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to query the approval of.
    function getApproved(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (address) {
        return idToApprovals[_tokenId];

    /// @dev Checks if `_operator` is an approved operator for `_owner`.
    /// @param _owner The address that owns the NFTs.
    /// @param _operator The address that acts on behalf of the owner.
    function isApprovedForAll(address _owner, address _operator) external view returns (bool) {
        return (ownerToOperators[_owner])[_operator];

                              ERC721 LOGIC

    /// @dev Set or reaffirm the approved address for an NFT. The zero address indicates there is no approved address.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current NFT owner, or an authorized operator of the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    ///      Throws if `_approved` is the current owner. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    /// @param _approved Address to be approved for the given NFT ID.
    /// @param _tokenId ID of the token to be approved.
    function approve(address _approved, uint256 _tokenId) public {
        address owner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        // Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT
        require(owner != address(0));
        // Throws if `_approved` is the current owner
        require(_approved != owner);
        // Check requirements
        bool senderIsOwner = (idToOwner[_tokenId] == msg.sender);
        bool senderIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[msg.sender];
        require(senderIsOwner || senderIsApprovedForAll);
        // Set the approval
        idToApprovals[_tokenId] = _approved;
        emit Approval(owner, _approved, _tokenId);

    /// @dev Enables or disables approval for a third party ("operator") to manage all of
    ///      `msg.sender`'s assets. It also emits the ApprovalForAll event.
    ///      Throws if `_operator` is the `msg.sender`. (NOTE: This is not written the EIP)
    /// @notice This works even if sender doesn't own any tokens at the time.
    /// @param _operator Address to add to the set of authorized operators.
    /// @param _approved True if the operators is approved, false to revoke approval.
    function setApprovalForAll(address _operator, bool _approved) external {
        // Throws if `_operator` is the `msg.sender`
        assert(_operator != msg.sender);
        ownerToOperators[msg.sender][_operator] = _approved;
        emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, _operator, _approved);

    /// @dev Clear an approval of a given address
    ///      Throws if `_owner` is not the current owner.
    function _clearApproval(address _owner, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        // Throws if `_owner` is not the current owner
        assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == _owner);
        if (idToApprovals[_tokenId] != address(0)) {
            // Reset approvals
            idToApprovals[_tokenId] = address(0);

    /// @dev Returns whether the given spender can transfer a given token ID
    /// @param _spender address of the spender to query
    /// @param _tokenId uint ID of the token to be transferred
    /// @return bool whether the msg.sender is approved for the given token ID, is an operator of the owner, or is the
    /// owner of the token
    function _isApprovedOrOwner(address _spender, uint256 _tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
        address owner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        bool spenderIsOwner = owner == _spender;
        bool spenderIsApproved = _spender == idToApprovals[_tokenId];
        bool spenderIsApprovedForAll = (ownerToOperators[owner])[_spender];
        return spenderIsOwner || spenderIsApproved || spenderIsApprovedForAll;

    function isApprovedOrOwner(address _spender, uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool) {
        return _isApprovedOrOwner(_spender, _tokenId);

    /// @dev Exeute transfer of a NFT.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved
    ///      address for this NFT. (NOTE: `msg.sender` not allowed in internal function so pass `_sender`.)
    ///      Throws if `_to` is the zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
    function _transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId, address _sender) internal {
        if (attachments[_tokenId] != 0 || voted[_tokenId]) {
            revert AlreadyAttached();
        // Check requirements
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(_sender, _tokenId));
        // Clear approval. Throws if `_from` is not the current owner
        _clearApproval(_from, _tokenId);
        // Clear voting approval.
        // Remove NFT. Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT
        _removeTokenFrom(_from, _tokenId);
        // auto re-delegate
        _moveTokenDelegates(delegates(_from), delegates(_to), _tokenId);
        // Add NFT
        _addTokenTo(_to, _tokenId);
        // Set the block of ownership transfer (for Flash NFT protection)
        ownership_change[_tokenId] = block.number;
        // Log the transfer
        emit Transfer(_from, _to, _tokenId);

    /// @dev Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved address for this
    /// NFT.
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_to` is the zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
    /// @notice The caller is responsible to confirm that `_to` is capable of receiving NFTs or else
    ///        they maybe be permanently lost.
    /// @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
    /// @param _to The new owner.
    /// @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) external {
        _transferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, msg.sender);

    /// @dev Transfers the ownership of an NFT from one address to another address.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the
    ///      approved address for this NFT.
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_to` is the zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
    ///      If `_to` is a smart contract, it calls `onERC721Received` on `_to` and throws if
    ///      the return value is not `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint,bytes)"))`.
    /// @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
    /// @param _to The new owner.
    /// @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
    function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) external {
        safeTransferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, "");

    function _isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
        // This method relies on extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in
        // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the
        // constructor execution.
        uint256 size;
        assembly {
            size := extcodesize(account)
        return size > 0;

    /// @dev Transfers the ownership of an NFT from one address to another address.
    ///      Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the
    ///      approved address for this NFT.
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    ///      Throws if `_to` is the zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
    ///      If `_to` is a smart contract, it calls `onERC721Received` on `_to` and throws if
    ///      the return value is not `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint,bytes)"))`.
    /// @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
    /// @param _to The new owner.
    /// @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
    /// @param _data Additional data with no specified format, sent in call to `_to`.
    function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId, bytes memory _data) public {
        _transferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, msg.sender);

        if (_isContract(_to)) {
            // Throws if transfer destination is a contract which does not implement 'onERC721Received'
            try IERC721Receiver(_to).onERC721Received(msg.sender, _from, _tokenId, _data) returns (bytes4 response) {
                if (response != IERC721Receiver(_to).onERC721Received.selector) {
                    revert("ERC721: ERC721Receiver rejected tokens");
            } catch (bytes memory reason) {
                if (reason.length == 0) {
                    revert("ERC721: transfer to non ERC721Receiver implementer");
                } else {
                    assembly {
                        revert(add(32, reason), mload(reason))

                              ERC165 LOGIC

    /// @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165.
    /// @param _interfaceID Id of the interface
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceID) external view returns (bool) {
        return supportedInterfaces[_interfaceID];

                        INTERNAL MINT/BURN LOGIC

    /// @dev Mapping from owner address to mapping of index to tokenIds
    mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) internal ownerToNFTokenIdList;

    /// @dev Mapping from NFT ID to index of owner
    mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal tokenToOwnerIndex;

    /// @dev  Get token by index
    function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address _owner, uint256 _tokenIndex) external view returns (uint256) {
        return ownerToNFTokenIdList[_owner][_tokenIndex];

    /// @dev Add a NFT to an index mapping to a given address
    /// @param _to address of the receiver
    /// @param _tokenId uint ID Of the token to be added
    function _addTokenToOwnerList(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        uint256 current_count = _balance(_to);

        ownerToNFTokenIdList[_to][current_count] = _tokenId;
        tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId] = current_count;

    /// @dev Add a NFT to a given address
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is owned by someone.
    function _addTokenTo(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        // Throws if `_tokenId` is owned by someone
        assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == address(0));
        // Change the owner
        idToOwner[_tokenId] = _to;
        // Update owner token index tracking
        _addTokenToOwnerList(_to, _tokenId);
        // Change count tracking
        ownerToNFTokenCount[_to] += 1;

    /// @dev Function to mint tokens
    ///      Throws if `_to` is zero address.
    ///      Throws if `_tokenId` is owned by someone.
    /// @param _to The address that will receive the minted tokens.
    /// @param _tokenId The token id to mint.
    /// @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful.
    function _mint(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal returns (bool) {
        // Throws if `_to` is zero address
        assert(_to != address(0));
        // checkpoint for gov
        _moveTokenDelegates(address(0), delegates(_to), _tokenId);
        // Add NFT. Throws if `_tokenId` is owned by someone
        _addTokenTo(_to, _tokenId);
        emit Transfer(address(0), _to, _tokenId);
        return true;

    /// @dev Remove a NFT from an index mapping to a given address
    /// @param _from address of the sender
    /// @param _tokenId uint ID Of the token to be removed
    function _removeTokenFromOwnerList(address _from, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        // Delete
        uint256 current_count = _balance(_from) - 1;
        uint256 current_index = tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId];

        if (current_count == current_index) {
            // update ownerToNFTokenIdList
            ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count] = 0;
            // update tokenToOwnerIndex
            tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId] = 0;
        } else {
            uint256 lastTokenId = ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count];

            // Add
            // update ownerToNFTokenIdList
            ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_index] = lastTokenId;
            // update tokenToOwnerIndex
            tokenToOwnerIndex[lastTokenId] = current_index;

            // Delete
            // update ownerToNFTokenIdList
            ownerToNFTokenIdList[_from][current_count] = 0;
            // update tokenToOwnerIndex
            tokenToOwnerIndex[_tokenId] = 0;

    /// @dev Remove a NFT from a given address
    ///      Throws if `_from` is not the current owner.
    function _removeTokenFrom(address _from, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        // Throws if `_from` is not the current owner
        assert(idToOwner[_tokenId] == _from);
        // Change the owner
        idToOwner[_tokenId] = address(0);
        // Update owner token index tracking
        _removeTokenFromOwnerList(_from, _tokenId);
        // Change count tracking
        ownerToNFTokenCount[_from] -= 1;

    function _burn(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        if (!_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId)) {
            revert NotApprovedOrOwner();

        address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId);

        // Clear approval
        approve(address(0), _tokenId);
        // Clear voting approval
        approveVoting(address(0), _tokenId);
        // checkpoint for gov
        _moveTokenDelegates(delegates(owner), address(0), _tokenId);
        // Remove token
        //_removeTokenFrom(msg.sender, _tokenId);
        _removeTokenFrom(owner, _tokenId);

        emit Transfer(owner, address(0), _tokenId);

                             ESCROW STORAGE

    mapping(uint256 => uint256) public user_point_epoch;
    mapping(uint256 => Point[1_000_000_000]) public user_point_history; // user -> Point[user_epoch]
    mapping(uint256 => LockedBalance) public locked;
    uint256 public epoch;
    mapping(uint256 => int128) public slope_changes; // time -> signed slope change
    uint256 public supply;

    uint256 internal constant WEEK = 1 weeks;
    uint256 internal constant MAXTIME = 52 weeks;
    int128 internal constant iMAXTIME = 52 weeks;
    uint256 internal constant MULTIPLIER = 1 ether;

                              ESCROW LOGIC

    /// @notice Get the most recently recorded rate of voting power decrease for `_tokenId`
    /// @param _tokenId token of the NFT
    /// @return Value of the slope
    function get_last_user_slope(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (int128) {
        uint256 uepoch = user_point_epoch[_tokenId];
        return user_point_history[_tokenId][uepoch].slope;

    /// @notice Get the timestamp for checkpoint `_idx` for `_tokenId`
    /// @param _tokenId token of the NFT
    /// @param _idx User epoch number
    /// @return Epoch time of the checkpoint
    function user_point_history__ts(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _idx) external view returns (uint256) {
        return user_point_history[_tokenId][_idx].ts;

    /// @notice Get timestamp when `_tokenId`'s lock finishes
    /// @param _tokenId User NFT
    /// @return Epoch time of the lock end
    function locked__end(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256) {
        return locked[_tokenId].end;

    /// @notice Record global and per-user data to checkpoint
    /// @param _tokenId NFT token ID. No user checkpoint if 0
    /// @param old_locked Pevious locked amount / end lock time for the user
    /// @param new_locked New locked amount / end lock time for the user
    function _checkpoint(uint256 _tokenId, LockedBalance memory old_locked, LockedBalance memory new_locked) internal {
        Point memory u_old;
        Point memory u_new;
        int128 old_dslope = 0;
        int128 new_dslope = 0;
        uint256 _epoch = epoch;

        if (_tokenId != 0) {
            // Calculate slopes and biases
            // Kept at zero when they have to
            if (old_locked.end > block.timestamp && old_locked.amount > 0) {
                u_old.slope = old_locked.amount / iMAXTIME;
                u_old.bias = u_old.slope * int128(int256(old_locked.end - block.timestamp));
            if (new_locked.end > block.timestamp && new_locked.amount > 0) {
                u_new.slope = new_locked.amount / iMAXTIME;
                u_new.bias = u_new.slope * int128(int256(new_locked.end - block.timestamp));

            // Read values of scheduled changes in the slope
            // old_locked.end can be in the past and in the future
            // new_locked.end can ONLY by in the FUTURE unless everything expired: than zeros
            old_dslope = slope_changes[old_locked.end];
            if (new_locked.end != 0) {
                if (new_locked.end == old_locked.end) {
                    new_dslope = old_dslope;
                } else {
                    new_dslope = slope_changes[new_locked.end];

        Point memory last_point = Point({ bias: 0, slope: 0, ts: block.timestamp, blk: block.number });
        if (_epoch > 0) {
            last_point = point_history[_epoch];
        uint256 last_checkpoint = last_point.ts;
        // initial_last_point is used for extrapolation to calculate block number
        // (approximately, for *At methods) and save them
        // as we cannot figure that out exactly from inside the contract
        Point memory initial_last_point = last_point;
        uint256 block_slope = 0; // dblock/dt
        if (block.timestamp > last_point.ts) {
            block_slope = (MULTIPLIER * (block.number - last_point.blk)) / (block.timestamp - last_point.ts);
        // If last point is already recorded in this block, slope=0
        // But that's ok b/c we know the block in such case

        // Go over weeks to fill history and calculate what the current point is
            uint256 t_i = (last_checkpoint / WEEK) * WEEK;
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {
                // Hopefully it won't happen that this won't get used in 5 years!
                // If it does, users will be able to withdraw but vote weight will be broken
                t_i += WEEK;
                int128 d_slope = 0;
                if (t_i > block.timestamp) {
                    t_i = block.timestamp;
                } else {
                    d_slope = slope_changes[t_i];
                last_point.bias -= last_point.slope * int128(int256(t_i - last_checkpoint));
                last_point.slope += d_slope;
                if (last_point.bias < 0) {
                    // This can happen
                    last_point.bias = 0;
                if (last_point.slope < 0) {
                    // This cannot happen - just in case
                    last_point.slope = 0;
                last_checkpoint = t_i;
                last_point.ts = t_i;
                last_point.blk = initial_last_point.blk + (block_slope * (t_i - initial_last_point.ts)) / MULTIPLIER;
                _epoch += 1;
                if (t_i == block.timestamp) {
                    last_point.blk = block.number;
                } else {
                    point_history[_epoch] = last_point;

        epoch = _epoch;
        // Now point_history is filled until t=now

        if (_tokenId != 0) {
            // If last point was in this block, the slope change has been applied already
            // But in such case we have 0 slope(s)
            last_point.slope += (u_new.slope - u_old.slope);
            last_point.bias += (u_new.bias - u_old.bias);
            if (last_point.slope < 0) {
                last_point.slope = 0;
            if (last_point.bias < 0) {
                last_point.bias = 0;

        // Record the changed point into history
        point_history[_epoch] = last_point;

        if (_tokenId != 0) {
            // Schedule the slope changes (slope is going down)
            // We subtract new_user_slope from [new_locked.end]
            // and add old_user_slope to [old_locked.end]
            if (old_locked.end > block.timestamp) {
                // old_dslope was <something> - u_old.slope, so we cancel that
                old_dslope += u_old.slope;
                if (new_locked.end == old_locked.end) {
                    old_dslope -= u_new.slope; // It was a new deposit, not extension
                slope_changes[old_locked.end] = old_dslope;

            if (new_locked.end > block.timestamp) {
                if (new_locked.end > old_locked.end) {
                    new_dslope -= u_new.slope; // old slope disappeared at this point
                    slope_changes[new_locked.end] = new_dslope;
                // else: we recorded it already in old_dslope
            // Now handle user history
            uint256 user_epoch = user_point_epoch[_tokenId] + 1;

            user_point_epoch[_tokenId] = user_epoch;
            u_new.ts = block.timestamp;
            u_new.blk = block.number;
            user_point_history[_tokenId][user_epoch] = u_new;

    /// @notice Deposit and lock tokens for a user
    /// @param _tokenId NFT that holds lock
    /// @param _value Amount to deposit
    /// @param unlock_time New time when to unlock the tokens, or 0 if unchanged
    /// @param locked_balance Previous locked amount / timestamp
    /// @param deposit_type The type of deposit
    function _deposit_for(
        uint256 _tokenId,
        uint256 _value,
        uint256 unlock_time,
        LockedBalance memory locked_balance,
        DepositType deposit_type
    ) internal {
        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked_balance;
        uint256 supply_before = supply;

        supply = supply_before + _value;
        LockedBalance memory old_locked;
        (old_locked.amount, old_locked.end) = (_locked.amount, _locked.end);
        // Adding to existing lock, or if a lock is expired - creating a new one
        _locked.amount += int128(int256(_value));
        if (unlock_time != 0) {
            _locked.end = unlock_time;
        locked[_tokenId] = _locked;

        // Possibilities:
        // Both old_locked.end could be current or expired (>/< block.timestamp)
        // value == 0 (extend lock) or value > 0 (add to lock or extend lock)
        // _locked.end > block.timestamp (always)
        _checkpoint(_tokenId, old_locked, _locked);

        address from = msg.sender;
        if (_value != 0 && deposit_type != DepositType.MERGE_TYPE && deposit_type != DepositType.SPLIT_TYPE) {
            assert(IERC20(token).transferFrom(from, address(this), _value));

        emit Deposit(from, _tokenId, _value, _locked.end, deposit_type, block.timestamp);
        emit Supply(supply_before, supply_before + _value);

    function block_number() external view returns (uint256) {
        return block.number;

    /// @notice Record global data to checkpoint
    function checkpoint() external {
        _checkpoint(0, LockedBalance(0, 0), LockedBalance(0, 0));

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `_tokenId` and add to the lock
    /// @dev Anyone (even a smart contract) can deposit for someone else, but
    ///      cannot extend their locktime and deposit for a brand new user
    /// @param _tokenId lock NFT
    /// @param _value Amount to add to user's lock
    function deposit_for(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _value) external nonreentrant {
        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];

        require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value
        if (_locked.amount == 0) {
            revert NoLock();
        if (_locked.end <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockExpired();
        _deposit_for(_tokenId, _value, 0, _locked, DepositType.DEPOSIT_FOR_TYPE);

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `_to` and lock for `_lock_duration`
    /// @param _value Amount to deposit
    /// @param _lock_duration Number of seconds to lock tokens for (rounded down to nearest week)
    /// @param _to Address to deposit
    function _create_lock(uint256 _value, uint256 _lock_duration, address _to) internal returns (uint256) {
        uint256 unlock_time = (block.timestamp + _lock_duration) / WEEK * WEEK; // Locktime is rounded down to weeks

        require(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value
        if (unlock_time <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockInFuture();
        if (unlock_time > block.timestamp + MAXTIME) {
            revert LockTooLong();

        uint256 _tokenId = tokenId;
        _mint(_to, _tokenId);

        _deposit_for(_tokenId, _value, unlock_time, locked[_tokenId], DepositType.CREATE_LOCK_TYPE);
        return _tokenId;

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `msg.sender` and lock for `_lock_duration`
    /// @param _value Amount to deposit
    /// @param _lock_duration Number of seconds to lock tokens for (rounded down to nearest week)
    function create_lock(uint256 _value, uint256 _lock_duration) external nonreentrant returns (uint256) {
        return _create_lock(_value, _lock_duration, msg.sender);

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` tokens for `_to` and lock for `_lock_duration`
    /// @param _value Amount to deposit
    /// @param _lock_duration Number of seconds to lock tokens for (rounded down to nearest week)
    /// @param _to Address to deposit
    function create_lock_for(uint256 _value, uint256 _lock_duration, address _to)
        returns (uint256)
        return _create_lock(_value, _lock_duration, _to);

    /// @notice Deposit `_value` additional tokens for `_tokenId` without modifying the unlock time
    /// @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit and add to the lock
    function increase_amount(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _value) external nonreentrant {
        assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));

        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];

        assert(_value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value
        if (_locked.amount == 0) {
            revert NoLock();
        if (_locked.end <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockExpired();

        _deposit_for(_tokenId, _value, 0, _locked, DepositType.INCREASE_LOCK_AMOUNT);

    /// @notice Extend the unlock time for `_tokenId`
    /// @param _lock_duration New number of seconds until tokens unlock
    function increase_unlock_time(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _lock_duration) external nonreentrant {
        assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));

        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
        uint256 unlock_time = (block.timestamp + _lock_duration) / WEEK * WEEK; // Locktime is rounded down to weeks

        if (_locked.end <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockExpired();
        if (_locked.amount == 0) {
            revert NoLock();
        if (unlock_time <= _locked.end) {
            revert LockInFuture();
        if (unlock_time > block.timestamp + MAXTIME) {
            revert LockTooLong();

        _deposit_for(_tokenId, 0, unlock_time, _locked, DepositType.INCREASE_UNLOCK_TIME);

    /// @notice Withdraw all tokens for `_tokenId`
    /// @dev Only possible if the lock has expired
    function withdraw(uint256 _tokenId) external nonreentrant {
        assert(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));
        if (attachments[_tokenId] != 0 || voted[_tokenId]) {
            revert AlreadyAttached();

        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
        if (block.timestamp < _locked.end) {
            revert LockExpired();
        uint256 value = uint256(int256(_locked.amount));

        locked[_tokenId] = LockedBalance(0, 0);
        uint256 supply_before = supply;
        supply = supply_before - value;

        // old_locked can have either expired <= timestamp or zero end
        // _locked has only 0 end
        // Both can have >= 0 amount
        _checkpoint(_tokenId, _locked, LockedBalance(0, 0));

        assert(IERC20(token).transfer(msg.sender, value));

        // Burn the NFT

        emit Withdraw(msg.sender, _tokenId, value, block.timestamp);
        emit Supply(supply_before, supply_before - value);

                           GAUGE VOTING STORAGE

    // The following ERC20/minime-compatible methods are not real balanceOf and supply!
    // They measure the weights for the purpose of voting, so they don't represent
    // real coins.

    /// @notice Binary search to estimate timestamp for block number
    /// @param _block Block to find
    /// @param max_epoch Don't go beyond this epoch
    /// @return Approximate timestamp for block
    function _find_block_epoch(uint256 _block, uint256 max_epoch) internal view returns (uint256) {
        // Binary search
        uint256 _min = 0;
        uint256 _max = max_epoch;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
            // Will be always enough for 128-bit numbers
            if (_min >= _max) {
            uint256 _mid = (_min + _max + 1) / 2;
            if (point_history[_mid].blk <= _block) {
                _min = _mid;
            } else {
                _max = _mid - 1;
        return _min;

    /// @notice Get the current voting power for `_tokenId`
    /// @dev Adheres to the ERC20 `balanceOf` interface for Aragon compatibility
    /// @param _tokenId NFT for lock
    /// @param _t Epoch time to return voting power at
    /// @return User voting power
    function _balanceOfNFT(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _t) internal view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 _epoch = user_point_epoch[_tokenId];
        if (_epoch == 0) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            Point memory last_point = user_point_history[_tokenId][_epoch];
            last_point.bias -= last_point.slope * int128(int256(_t) - int256(last_point.ts));
            if (last_point.bias < 0) {
                last_point.bias = 0;
            return uint256(int256(last_point.bias));

    function balanceOfNFT(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256) {
        if (ownership_change[_tokenId] == block.number) return 0;
        return _balanceOfNFT(_tokenId, block.timestamp);

    function balanceOfNFTAt(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _t) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _balanceOfNFT(_tokenId, _t);

    /// @notice Measure voting power of `_tokenId` at block height `_block`
    /// @dev Adheres to MiniMe `balanceOfAt` interface:
    /// @param _tokenId User's wallet NFT
    /// @param _block Block to calculate the voting power at
    /// @return Voting power
    function _balanceOfAtNFT(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _block) internal view returns (uint256) {
        // Copying and pasting totalSupply code because Vyper cannot pass by
        // reference yet
        assert(_block <= block.number);

        // Binary search
        uint256 _min = 0;
        uint256 _max = user_point_epoch[_tokenId];
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
            // Will be always enough for 128-bit numbers
            if (_min >= _max) {
            uint256 _mid = (_min + _max + 1) / 2;
            if (user_point_history[_tokenId][_mid].blk <= _block) {
                _min = _mid;
            } else {
                _max = _mid - 1;

        Point memory upoint = user_point_history[_tokenId][_min];

        uint256 max_epoch = epoch;
        uint256 _epoch = _find_block_epoch(_block, max_epoch);
        Point memory point_0 = point_history[_epoch];
        uint256 d_block = 0;
        uint256 d_t = 0;
        if (_epoch < max_epoch) {
            Point memory point_1 = point_history[_epoch + 1];
            d_block = point_1.blk - point_0.blk;
            d_t = point_1.ts - point_0.ts;
        } else {
            d_block = block.number - point_0.blk;
            d_t = block.timestamp - point_0.ts;
        uint256 block_time = point_0.ts;
        if (d_block != 0) {
            block_time += (d_t * (_block - point_0.blk)) / d_block;

        upoint.bias -= upoint.slope * int128(int256(block_time - upoint.ts));
        if (upoint.bias >= 0) {
            return uint256(uint128(upoint.bias));
        } else {
            return 0;

    function balanceOfAtNFT(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _block) external view returns (uint256) {
        return _balanceOfAtNFT(_tokenId, _block);

    /// @notice Calculate total voting power at some point in the past
    /// @param _block Block to calculate the total voting power at
    /// @return Total voting power at `_block`
    function totalSupplyAt(uint256 _block) external view returns (uint256) {
        assert(_block <= block.number);
        uint256 _epoch = epoch;
        uint256 target_epoch = _find_block_epoch(_block, _epoch);

        Point memory point = point_history[target_epoch];
        uint256 dt = 0;
        if (target_epoch < _epoch) {
            Point memory point_next = point_history[target_epoch + 1];
            if (point.blk != point_next.blk) {
                dt = ((_block - point.blk) * (point_next.ts - point.ts)) / (point_next.blk - point.blk);
        } else {
            if (point.blk != block.number) {
                dt = ((_block - point.blk) * (block.timestamp - point.ts)) / (block.number - point.blk);
        // Now dt contains info on how far are we beyond point
        return _supply_at(point, point.ts + dt);
    /// @notice Calculate total voting power at some point in the past
    /// @param point The point (bias/slope) to start search from
    /// @param t Time to calculate the total voting power at
    /// @return Total voting power at that time

    function _supply_at(Point memory point, uint256 t) internal view returns (uint256) {
        Point memory last_point = point;
        uint256 t_i = (last_point.ts / WEEK) * WEEK;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {
            t_i += WEEK;
            int128 d_slope = 0;
            if (t_i > t) {
                t_i = t;
            } else {
                d_slope = slope_changes[t_i];
            last_point.bias -= last_point.slope * int128(int256(t_i - last_point.ts));
            if (t_i == t) {
            last_point.slope += d_slope;
            last_point.ts = t_i;

        if (last_point.bias < 0) {
            last_point.bias = 0;
        return uint256(uint128(last_point.bias));

    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256) {
        return totalSupplyAtT(block.timestamp);

    /// @notice Calculate total voting power
    /// @dev Adheres to the ERC20 `totalSupply` interface for Aragon compatibility
    /// @return Total voting power
    function totalSupplyAtT(uint256 t) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256 _epoch = epoch;
        Point memory last_point = point_history[_epoch];
        return _supply_at(last_point, t);

                            GAUGE VOTING LOGIC

    mapping(uint256 => uint256) public attachments;
    mapping(uint256 => bool) public voted;

    function setVoter(address _voter) external {
        require(msg.sender == team);
        voter = _voter;

    function voting(uint256 _tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);
        voted[_tokenId] = true;

    function abstain(uint256 _tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);
        voted[_tokenId] = false;

    function attach(uint256 _tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);
        attachments[_tokenId] = attachments[_tokenId] + 1;

    function detach(uint256 _tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);
        attachments[_tokenId] = attachments[_tokenId] - 1;

    function merge(uint256 _from, uint256 _to) external {
        if (attachments[_from] != 0 || voted[_from]) {
            revert AlreadyAttached();
        require(_from != _to);
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _from));
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _to));

        LockedBalance memory _locked0 = locked[_from];
        LockedBalance memory _locked1 = locked[_to];
        uint256 value0 = uint256(int256(_locked0.amount));
        uint256 end = _locked0.end >= _locked1.end ? _locked0.end : _locked1.end;

        locked[_from] = LockedBalance(0, 0);
        _checkpoint(_from, _locked0, LockedBalance(0, 0));
        _deposit_for(_to, value0, end, _locked1, DepositType.MERGE_TYPE);

     * @notice split NFT into multiple
     * @param amounts   % of split
     * @param _tokenId  NFTs ID
    function split(uint256[] memory amounts, uint256 _tokenId) external {
        // check permission and vote
        if (attachments[_tokenId] != 0 || voted[_tokenId]) {
            revert AlreadyAttached();
        require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, _tokenId));

        // save old data and totalWeight
        address _to = idToOwner[_tokenId];
        LockedBalance memory _locked = locked[_tokenId];
        uint256 end = _locked.end;
        uint256 value = uint256(int256(_locked.amount));
        require(value > 0); // dev: need non-zero value

        // reset supply, _deposit_for increase it
        supply = supply - value;

        uint256 i;
        uint256 totalWeight = 0;
        uint256 length = amounts.length;
        for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            totalWeight += amounts[i];

        // remove old data
        locked[_tokenId] = LockedBalance(0, 0);
        _checkpoint(_tokenId, _locked, LockedBalance(0, 0));

        // save end
        uint256 unlock_time = end;
        if (unlock_time <= block.timestamp) {
            revert LockInFuture();
        if (unlock_time > block.timestamp + MAXTIME) {
            revert LockTooLong();

        // mint
        uint256 _value = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            _tokenId = tokenId;
            _mint(_to, _tokenId);
            _value = value * amounts[i] / totalWeight;
            _deposit_for(_tokenId, _value, unlock_time, locked[_tokenId], DepositType.SPLIT_TYPE);

                            DAO VOTING STORAGE

    /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain
    bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH =
        keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)");

    /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract
    bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH =
        keccak256("Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)");

    /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate
    mapping(address => address) private _delegates;
    uint256 public constant MAX_DELEGATES = 1024; // avoid too much gas

    /// @notice A record of delegated token checkpoints for each account, by index
    mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints;

    /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account
    mapping(address => uint32) public numCheckpoints;

    /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures
    mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;

     * @notice Overrides the standard `Comp.sol` delegates mapping to return
     * the delegator's own address if they haven't delegated.
     * This avoids having to delegate to oneself.
    function delegates(address delegator) public view returns (address) {
        address current = _delegates[delegator];
        return current == address(0) ? delegator : current;

     * @notice Gets the current votes balance for `account`
     * @param account The address to get votes balance
     * @return The number of current votes for `account`
    function getVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256) {
        uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account];
        if (nCheckpoints == 0) {
            return 0;
        uint256[] storage _tokenIds = checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].tokenIds;
        uint256 votes = 0;
        uint256 length = _tokenIds.length;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            uint256 tId = _tokenIds[i];
            votes = votes + _balanceOfNFT(tId, block.timestamp);
        return votes;

    function getPastVotesIndex(address account, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint32) {
        uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account];
        if (nCheckpoints == 0) {
            return 0;
        // First check most recent balance
        if (checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].timestamp <= timestamp) {
            return (nCheckpoints - 1);

        // Next check implicit zero balance
        if (checkpoints[account][0].timestamp > timestamp) {
            return 0;

        uint32 lower = 0;
        uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1;
        while (upper > lower) {
            uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow
            Checkpoint storage cp = checkpoints[account][center];
            if (cp.timestamp == timestamp) {
                return center;
            } else if (cp.timestamp < timestamp) {
                lower = center;
            } else {
                upper = center - 1;
        return lower;

    function getPastVotes(address account, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256) {
        uint32 _checkIndex = getPastVotesIndex(account, timestamp);
        // Sum votes
        uint256[] storage _tokenIds = checkpoints[account][_checkIndex].tokenIds;
        uint256 votes = 0;
        uint256 length = _tokenIds.length;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            uint256 tId = _tokenIds[i];
            // Use the provided input timestamp here to get the right decay
            votes = votes + _balanceOfNFT(tId, timestamp);
        return votes;

    function getPastTotalSupply(uint256 timestamp) external view returns (uint256) {
        return totalSupplyAtT(timestamp);

                             DAO VOTING LOGIC

    function _moveTokenDelegates(address srcRep, address dstRep, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
        if (srcRep != dstRep && _tokenId > 0) {
            if (srcRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep];
                uint256[] storage srcRepOld =
                    srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].tokenIds : checkpoints[srcRep][0].tokenIds;
                uint32 nextSrcRepNum = _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(srcRep);
                uint256[] storage srcRepNew = checkpoints[srcRep][nextSrcRepNum].tokenIds;
                // All the same except _tokenId
                uint256 length = srcRepOld.length;
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = srcRepOld[i];
                    if (tId != _tokenId) {

                numCheckpoints[srcRep] = srcRepNum + 1;

            if (dstRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep];
                uint256[] storage dstRepOld =
                    dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].tokenIds : checkpoints[dstRep][0].tokenIds;
                uint32 nextDstRepNum = _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(dstRep);
                uint256[] storage dstRepNew = checkpoints[dstRep][nextDstRepNum].tokenIds;
                // All the same plus _tokenId
                if (dstRepOld.length + 1 > MAX_DELEGATES) {
                    revert TooManyDelegates();
                uint256 length = dstRepOld.length;
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = dstRepOld[i];

                numCheckpoints[dstRep] = dstRepNum + 1;

    function _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(address account) internal view returns (uint32) {
        uint256 _timestamp = block.timestamp;
        uint32 _nCheckPoints = numCheckpoints[account];

        if (_nCheckPoints > 0 && checkpoints[account][_nCheckPoints - 1].timestamp == _timestamp) {
            return _nCheckPoints - 1;
        } else {
            return _nCheckPoints;

    function _moveAllDelegates(address owner, address srcRep, address dstRep) internal {
        // You can only redelegate what you own
        if (srcRep != dstRep) {
            if (srcRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep];
                uint256[] storage srcRepOld =
                    srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].tokenIds : checkpoints[srcRep][0].tokenIds;
                uint32 nextSrcRepNum = _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(srcRep);
                uint256[] storage srcRepNew = checkpoints[srcRep][nextSrcRepNum].tokenIds;
                // All the same except what owner owns
                uint256 length = srcRepOld.length;
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = srcRepOld[i];
                    if (idToOwner[tId] != owner) {

                numCheckpoints[srcRep] = srcRepNum + 1;

            if (dstRep != address(0)) {
                uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep];
                uint256[] storage dstRepOld =
                    dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].tokenIds : checkpoints[dstRep][0].tokenIds;
                uint32 nextDstRepNum = _findWhatCheckpointToWrite(dstRep);
                uint256[] storage dstRepNew = checkpoints[dstRep][nextDstRepNum].tokenIds;
                uint256 ownerTokenCount = ownerToNFTokenCount[owner];
                if (dstRepOld.length + ownerTokenCount > MAX_DELEGATES) {
                    revert TooManyDelegates();
                // All the same
                uint256 length = dstRepOld.length;
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = dstRepOld[i];
                // Plus all that's owned
                for (uint256 i = 0; i < ownerTokenCount; ++i) {
                    uint256 tId = ownerToNFTokenIdList[owner][i];

                numCheckpoints[dstRep] = dstRepNum + 1;

    function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal {
        /// @notice differs from `_delegate()` in `Comp.sol` to use `delegates` override method to simulate
        /// auto-delegation
        address currentDelegate = delegates(delegator);

        _delegates[delegator] = delegatee;

        emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee);
        _moveAllDelegates(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee);

     * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee`
     * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to
    function delegate(address delegatee) public {
        if (delegatee == address(0)) delegatee = msg.sender;
        return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee);

    function delegateBySig(address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public {
        require(delegatee != msg.sender);
        require(delegatee != address(0));

        bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256(
            abi.encode(DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name)), keccak256(bytes(version)), block.chainid, address(this))
        bytes32 structHash = keccak256(abi.encode(DELEGATION_TYPEHASH, delegatee, nonce, expiry));
        bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", domainSeparator, structHash));
        address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s);
        if (signatory == address(0)) {
            revert InvalidSignature();
        if (nonce != nonces[signatory]++) {
            revert InvalidNonce();
        if (block.timestamp > expiry) {
            revert SignatureExpired();
        return _delegate(signatory, delegatee);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC721/extensions/IERC721Metadata.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import {IERC721} from "../IERC721.sol";

 * @title ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard, optional metadata extension
 * @dev See
interface IERC721Metadata is IERC721 {
     * @dev Returns the token collection name.
    function name() external view returns (string memory);

     * @dev Returns the token collection symbol.
    function symbol() external view returns (string memory);

     * @dev Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for `tokenId` token.
    function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (string memory);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (governance/utils/IVotes.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

 * @dev Common interface for {ERC20Votes}, {ERC721Votes}, and other {Votes}-enabled contracts.
interface IVotes {
     * @dev The signature used has expired.
    error VotesExpiredSignature(uint256 expiry);

     * @dev Emitted when an account changes their delegate.
    event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate);

     * @dev Emitted when a token transfer or delegate change results in changes to a delegate's number of voting units.
    event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint256 previousVotes, uint256 newVotes);

     * @dev Returns the current amount of votes that `account` has.
    function getVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the amount of votes that `account` had at a specific moment in the past. If the `clock()` is
     * configured to use block numbers, this will return the value at the end of the corresponding block.
    function getPastVotes(address account, uint256 timepoint) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the total supply of votes available at a specific moment in the past. If the `clock()` is
     * configured to use block numbers, this will return the value at the end of the corresponding block.
     * NOTE: This value is the sum of all available votes, which is not necessarily the sum of all delegated votes.
     * Votes that have not been delegated are still part of total supply, even though they would not participate in a
     * vote.
    function getPastTotalSupply(uint256 timepoint) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the delegate that `account` has chosen.
    function delegates(address account) external view returns (address);

     * @dev Delegates votes from the sender to `delegatee`.
    function delegate(address delegatee) external;

     * @dev Delegates votes from signer to `delegatee`.
    function delegateBySig(address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

 * @title ERC721 token receiver interface
 * @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers
 * from ERC721 asset contracts.
interface IERC721Receiver {
     * @dev Whenever an {IERC721} `tokenId` token is transferred to this contract via {IERC721-safeTransferFrom}
     * by `operator` from `from`, this function is called.
     * It must return its Solidity selector to confirm the token transfer.
     * If any other value is returned or the interface is not implemented by the recipient, the transfer will be
     * reverted.
     * The selector can be obtained in Solidity with `IERC721Receiver.onERC721Received.selector`.
    function onERC721Received(
        address operator,
        address from,
        uint256 tokenId,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external returns (bytes4);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

 * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
interface IERC20 {
     * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
     * another (`to`).
     * Note that `value` may be zero.
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);

     * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
     * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);

     * @dev Returns the value of tokens in existence.
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Returns the value of tokens owned by `account`.
    function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from the caller's account to `to`.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

     * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
     * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
     * zero by default.
     * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
    function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev Sets a `value` amount of tokens as the allowance of `spender` over the
     * caller's tokens.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
     * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
     * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
     * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
     * desired value afterwards:
     * Emits an {Approval} event.
    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

     * @dev Moves a `value` amount of tokens from `from` to `to` using the
     * allowance mechanism. `value` is then deducted from the caller's
     * allowance.
     * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

interface IVeArtProxy {
    function _tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _balanceOf, uint256 _locked_end, uint256 _value)
        returns (string memory output);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

interface IVotingEscrow {
    struct Point {
        int128 bias;
        int128 slope; // # -dweight / dt
        uint256 ts;
        uint256 blk; // block

    struct LockedBalance {
        int128 amount;
        uint256 end;

    function create_lock_for(uint256 _value, uint256 _lock_duration, address _to) external returns (uint256);

    function locked(uint256 id) external view returns (LockedBalance memory);
    function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address _owner, uint256 _tokenIndex) external view returns (uint256);

    function token() external view returns (address);
    function team() external returns (address);
    function epoch() external view returns (uint256);
    function point_history(uint256 loc) external view returns (Point memory);
    function user_point_history(uint256 tokenId, uint256 loc) external view returns (Point memory);
    function user_point_epoch(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (uint256);

    function ownerOf(uint256) external view returns (address);
    function isApprovedOrOwner(address, uint256) external view returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external;

    function isVotingApprovedOrOwner(address, uint256) external view returns (bool);
    function delegateVotingControl(address, uint256) external;

    function voted(uint256) external view returns (bool);
    function attachments(uint256) external view returns (uint256);
    function voting(uint256 tokenId) external;
    function abstain(uint256 tokenId) external;
    function attach(uint256 tokenId) external;
    function detach(uint256 tokenId) external;

    function checkpoint() external;
    function deposit_for(uint256 tokenId, uint256 value) external;

    function balanceOfNFT(uint256 _id) external view returns (uint256);
    function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256);
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function supply() external view returns (uint256);

    function decimals() external view returns (uint8);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (token/ERC721/IERC721.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

import {IERC165} from "../../utils/introspection/IERC165.sol";

 * @dev Required interface of an ERC721 compliant contract.
interface IERC721 is IERC165 {
     * @dev Emitted when `tokenId` token is transferred from `from` to `to`.
    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);

     * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables `approved` to manage the `tokenId` token.
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId);

     * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables or disables (`approved`) `operator` to manage all of its assets.
    event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);

     * @dev Returns the number of tokens in ``owner``'s account.
    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance);

     * @dev Returns the owner of the `tokenId` token.
     * Requirements:
     * - `tokenId` must exist.
    function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address owner);

     * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`.
     * Requirements:
     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`.
     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon
     *   a safe transfer.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes calldata data) external;

     * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`, checking first that contract recipients
     * are aware of the ERC721 protocol to prevent tokens from being forever locked.
     * Requirements:
     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`.
     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must have been allowed to move this token by either {approve} or
     *   {setApprovalForAll}.
     * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon
     *   a safe transfer.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) external;

     * @dev Transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`.
     * WARNING: Note that the caller is responsible to confirm that the recipient is capable of receiving ERC721
     * or else they may be permanently lost. Usage of {safeTransferFrom} prevents loss, though the caller must
     * understand this adds an external call which potentially creates a reentrancy vulnerability.
     * Requirements:
     * - `from` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `to` cannot be the zero address.
     * - `tokenId` token must be owned by `from`.
     * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}.
     * Emits a {Transfer} event.
    function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) external;

     * @dev Gives permission to `to` to transfer `tokenId` token to another account.
     * The approval is cleared when the token is transferred.
     * Only a single account can be approved at a time, so approving the zero address clears previous approvals.
     * Requirements:
     * - The caller must own the token or be an approved operator.
     * - `tokenId` must exist.
     * Emits an {Approval} event.
    function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) external;

     * @dev Approve or remove `operator` as an operator for the caller.
     * Operators can call {transferFrom} or {safeTransferFrom} for any token owned by the caller.
     * Requirements:
     * - The `operator` cannot be the address zero.
     * Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event.
    function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) external;

     * @dev Returns the account approved for `tokenId` token.
     * Requirements:
     * - `tokenId` must exist.
    function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address operator);

     * @dev Returns if the `operator` is allowed to manage all of the assets of `owner`.
     * See {setApprovalForAll}
    function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) external view returns (bool);

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v5.0.0) (utils/introspection/IERC165.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.20;

 * @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the
 * Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be
 * queried by others ({ERC165Checker}).
 * For an implementation, see {ERC165}.
interface IERC165 {
     * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by
     * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding
     *[EIP section]
     * to learn more about how these ids are created.
     * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);

Context size (optional):